The power of a positive attitude cannot be underestimated.
The American minister and author of the book The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale wrote, “Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.
The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are.”
If you think you’re beaten, you are.
But if you stare defeat in the eye and refuse to give up because of “a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers” (Peale again), you can overcome any challenge and attain whatever you desire.
Empty pockets can’t hold you back very long, but if you have an empty mind filled with negative thoughts, you’ll always be held back from what you desire most.
Positive Thinking Leads To Action
With a positive attitude, you’ll begin to believe that you can build wealth in abundance.
You’ll chart your own course and be the master of your own fate and the captain of your own soul.
Thinking about what you want and deserve in life will lead you to take whatever steps are necessary to make those dreams come true.
Very often it’s a slow road to achieving your dreams, but one small step toward change will bring another small step after it.
Visualizing yourself in a better paying job might spur you to update your resume.
Believing you belong in a house in the suburbs might push you to call a realtor or look in the classified ads.
Realizing you have talents that make you special might convince you to volunteer in your community.
Living an abundant life doesn’t only refer to what’s in the bank. Abundance of family and friends is a very important part of human life.
It’s Easier To Be Negative
The average person gets all too easily gets imbued with a negative attitude.
It’s so much easier to whine and complain about needing more money, a better job, or a bigger house.
People are often lost in the negative imagery and don’t ever realize it’s in their own power to change their circumstances.
With a positive attitude, you’ll have a higher quality of life. Having a positive attitude can really work magic in your life.
People who have survived cancer invariably say that a positive mental outlook was vital to their success in overcoming their terrible disease.
A positive mental attitude helps you find the humor in things that may typically bring you down.
You’ll be able to see things from a fresh perspective so you can handle the tough times with more creativity and intelligence.
With a positive attitude, you’ll simply feel more joy in your life.
You’ll laugh more, feel healthier, be more courageous, have more self-confidence, and you won’t be as prone to giving up before you even get started.
More often than not, things will fall into place and you’ll feel an incredible sense of accomplishment!
How do you feel when you think of the positive side of things that happen to you instead of the negative consequences?
How can being positive help you become a better person?
Talk about that in the Personal Growth Cafe Community!
Also, as your gift for taking this to heart – and this is profoundly important… to us ALL – go to and do the Uniting Planet Earth 7-Day Quick-Start Ignition Program… and Allow it to Transform Your Life.
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