Want Inspiration, Insights, Coaching and Guidance Each Day?

This Is YOUR Year, After All!

Be "THE INSPIRATION" You're Meant to Be... Every Day!!

As you're studying your SelfEmpowermentAcademy.org classes, programs and trainings, you *MIGHT* want to give yourself weekly coaching, where we're meeting LIVE and I'm able to answer your specific questions... making sure you're applying the insights most relevant to what you're going through as effectively as I would recommend... and seeing the deeper levels...

For example I can quickly identify the deeper issues, and ask the questions that give you the clarity and answers to move past what HAD been holding you back or limiting your success, joy, happiness, well-being, love, prosperity, fulfillment....

Watch the video Andrea generously sent me below... as you're thinking about the results you're creating!

If you've never had your own coach working with you - I usually have four to six helping me with different aspects of my life and business at any given time, it's been six since April and eight last year - you might want to do the Weekly Prosperity Coaching Q&A Calls with us.

Or if you want to substantially ACCELERATE your Success Curve, then it's definitely worth working privately with me three or four times a month. If you're already successful, depending on at what level, I would recommend you consider "Emanating Peace", or possibly my Unlimited Laser Coaching.

(If you saw "Emanating Peace", you know how valuable my coaching is, and how underpriced the laser-coaching is. It honestly is about one-fifth what it should be, just to make it easy for anyone who can use that accountability and guidance reaching the next level... or six.)

Because I'm honestly focusing now on Being of Service as much as I can to as many people as I can, I'm going to offer these unheard of values, very briefly...

DAILY INSIGHTS (Worth $16-$25/Day)

Start each day with an inspiring, empowering video!

You'll learn an exciting innovation for 45-60 minutes.

I can personally hold you accountable.

You're then sending out good vibes, inspiring others!

Then I'll answer your questions for 30-45 minutes.

You'll become clear on your next steps!

You get back what you put out = GREAT RESULTS!!

You can download and replay each weekly call.

You'll become more connected, intuitive, at peace.

These videos become your Daily Theme, and focus!

If you can't attend live, email your questions ahead!

You can schedule our calls to meet your needs.

Every day, in every way, you're bettering yourself!

You're also part of our Inspired Private Mastermind!

I can also support you by email between calls.

You're also raising your consciousness every day!

We're ALL helping you create your greatest wins!

I will be your top cheerleader and advocate!

You're becoming more resourceful, self-empowered!

Stay focused all week - Earn "The Winners Circle"!

You WILL believe in yourself more than EVER!!

You're seeing the good in ALL, including yourself!!!

You're on the INSIDE, getting my latest trainings live!

You'll be INSPIRED like never before, as well.

Our videos inspire great posts on your social media!

Use this right - It's like $2,000/month coaching!

Your MASSIVE success will leave you in AWE!!

You can influence which videos we're studying!

Your YEAR of weekly calls costs less than $84/month

You're getting what normally costs $2,500 a month!

Each month you're getting $480-$775 in inspiration!

Only the first 100 may join this empowering group!

Strictly limited to the first 10 inspired action takers.

Daily Insights and Inspirations Membership (Worth $480-$775/month!)
Weekly Leading Edge Implementation Coaching Calls (Worth $400/month; $4800/yr!)
Private Coaching (90% Off One-Time Special) Three 30-Min. Calls/Month)

There's so much more for you than you've ever even imagined. It's now time to FIERCELY OWN YOUR POWER!