With your help, Humanity is "Returning to Integrity"

As "We're Bringing Honor Back!"

Reflect on how much you're living in Integrity

Most people are actually out of integrity - with their values, what they know to be right from wrong, not honoring themselves, their health, their word, their children...

Think about this - Whenever you're seeing people acting out of integrity, Integrity demands you call them out on that, not silently accepting such disrespect and dishonor!

Do the "Return to Integrity" Series yourself. Enter your email and you'll get access to the lessons right away...

The World Needs You - Join Us!

We Respect You. And Honor Your Privacy.

If a generous person who cares about you and sincerely wants to help you better your life invited you here...

Pay It Forward A Hundred-fold! Grab the link to this page and make sure your friends on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, etc., are "Returning to Integrity" themselves, right along with us all!

These buttons might help with a few of your "Bringing Honor Back" honorable deeds...

Then of course make sure you're getting our full "Returning to Integrity" Training yourself - Just with your email in the form above... and seriously consider leading your community Back to Honor -

Think how much the world needs you Serving as a Beacon of Honor, Inspired Visionary Leading "Humanity's Course Correction"!

THANK YOU for Honoring that inner nudge to be of greater service to more people and helping us all in our "Return to Integrity!"

Now watch this video and participate with it. With each question I ask, post it yourself on Facebook and get your friends involved with this conversation, as well, linking within each post to this page so they're getting the full context of the question - and are then Returning to Integrity, too...

What do you think about the unorthodox way this video begins? It holds some important insights, yet they
reveal themselves through a "slow burn". The "instant gratification" people (who miss life) probably won't wait!
Take the time to reflect upon, and acknowledge, how much the world needs you standing as the Leader of Impact!!

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This video is one part of the Honor Institute's "Returning to Integrity" Series:

  • "Expanding Integrity's Impact on You, as Part of Your Return to Integrity", 22:35
  • "How Aligned Are Your Behavior and Values?" 10:40
  • "Standing Out: Casting That Long Shadow as a Leader of Impact", 28:34
  • "Embracing the Profit Motive, Not Decrying It (Embracing Your Power & Responsibility - NOT Giving Both Away!)" 22:17
  • "

    The Contrast With the Chinese Woman Acting Decisively and Fearlessly Going After What She Wants", 24:29

  • "Which of the Two Wolves at War Within You Will Win?" 18:57
  • "The Highest Value of Impact Anyone Can Have", 26:52

And these key Integrity lessons among the most important in the full Honor Institute Core Curriculum...

  • "Code of Honor: Integrity, Part I", 33:10
  • "Integrity, Part II: 100% Aligned... and Centered" 45:41 -- This video itself is worth $10,000, more than five times the scholarship-reduced tuition of the Honor Institute Core Curriculum.
  • "Integrity, Part III: Your Much-Needed Work Restoring Integrity In Our Schools", 58:41 - This video is worth $2 million. It gets you standing as THE PERSON leading your community's Return to Integrity. This will inspire and incite you ... It's how we're getting 1,200 strong leaders getting their 1,200 strong leaders - with those 1,440,000 people leading their communities... That's enough for Humanity's Course Correction!!!
  • "Integrity, Part IV: Living This Consciously... Your Children, Too", 31:59
  • "Authenticity and Integrity", 27:12


If you didn't yet get all your friends Returning to Integrity ... and joining us, do both now:

Share Here...

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And Join Here...

We Respect You. And Honor Your Privacy.

You would be INVALUABLE leading your own Honor Institute AND Conscious Parenting Chapters... Please seriously consider honoring the world that profoundly...


Dan Klatt (I'm the one with the least facial hair!)
Founder: Uniting Our Tribe and the Honor Institute,

Serving as Your LoveSensei

The world badly needs you as the "Beacon of Honor" you were born to be!

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