Then talk about your insights from watching this, in the WARA Community, through which “We Are Rebuilding America”!
For me it’s meaningful how Warren Buffett is so comfortable in his own skin, that he’s fearless in standing in front of his peers, and essentially “playing his heart out”, regardless of whether he has any talent or not, as a singer.
Share your thoughts on this at the Personal Growth Cafe Community (it opens in a new tab, so you can have it open before you watch this video).
First the issue we don’t address too much, whether you agree with my friend that computer and the Internet hurt human interaction and only the illusion of meaningful relationships.
And, my point that the technology is just a tool, which we can use to greatly improve the lives of everyone on the planet!
We’re doing that, at least by getting all 320.7 million of us Americans focusing on rebuilding the greatness in our own lives, as we’re working together to rebuild the greatness within America as a whole – see it and stand with us, right here!
[video_player type=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9WNktESjA1M2g5NA==[/video_player]
So what do you think?
How much DO you influence your world?
Thanks for considering this!
Dan : )
Dan Klatt,
“Executive Life Consultant”
Personal Growth Cafe founder
“We Are Rebuilding America” Vision-Holder
Let’s talk about all the ways we’re able to benefit from being more honest, and holding ourselves to higher standards of integrity, at the Personal Growth Cafe on Facebook.
Because I fully ‘know’ it’s going to transform the lives of 100 million people. However, he thought I should aim much lower, such as 100,000.
That’s only because he has much smaller ambitions, and a different destiny, than I.
He didn’t say I’m incapable of achieving my goal, he just matter-of-factly suggested I strive for something much different… because that smaller result is something he could see himself hitting.
Transforming the lives of “merely” 100,000 people seems realistic to him, because he and I both know people who’ve done that.
However 100 million people, no example of someone who’s “been there, done that” readily comes to mind for him.
Or, more likely, he doesn’t see himself having that kind of impact, and therefore didn’t see someone else doing so, either.
Back at one of the later newspapers I worked at before becoming an author and coach, the masthead on the editorial page had this quote from Thomas Paine: “Lead, follow or get out of the way”.
Just having that inspiring truth “in my face” every day for two years left an impression on me.
I know I’m meant to “Make A Difference” to a lot of people, through my work. And nothing anyone says to the contrary can change that inner-knowing.
That’s the level of belief I want you to have about what you know is important for you to achieve with your life… AS you’re fulfilling your “Goals, Desires and Dreams”, too!
Even if no one else has done what you’re doing – Blaze the trail… Lead… for others to follow.
Make sure anyone who doesn’t have your vision gets out of your way, as you’re pushing through every last obstacle between you and that destination! Or knock them out of the way (you could also just go around them, if you prefer).
Go back and re-read the Napoleon Hill quote at the top of this article.
What have the people who said you can’t do something done themselves? If they had done similar great things with their lives, they would more than likely be the most vocal people cheering you on!
So now you have me cheering you on!
Go forth and make your dream come true… allowing nothing to stand in your way.
How else can that quote benefit you? Share your thoughts in the Personal Growth Cafe Lounge. Also make sure you become active in the “Make A Difference Movement” if you support my vision of Transforming the Lives of 100 Million People… (Starting with you!)
People are focusing a lot of attention these days on planning their next 12 months and making sure they have the right habits in place to take them where they need to be.
The “Action Coaching Map Webinar Training” will help you stay focused, on track, and moving single-mindedly toward fulfilling “The Big Picture” you never lose site of.
Using the Action Coaching Maps, we’re going to make sure you’re unstoppable over the next 12 months, knocking off one goal after the other – Join me live if you’re able to!
Scan through your 24 Action Coaching Maps.
Get a feeling for which ones you need to be working with, perhaps each day.
…Think about how great it’s going to be (and how much fun we’re going to have!) when we go through each Action Coaching Map, during a set of back-to-back webinars, where I walk you through using each Action Coaching Map and making sure you’re benefiting profoundly from it.
Which two or three seem most interesting or important to you?
Let me give you a personal insight.
I first became a coach back in 1984. I’m actually creating the whole Action Coaching Webinar Training – for ME to benefit immeasurably from using the Action Coaching Maps myself!
Specifically, the “Chain” Action Coaching Map, fifth down on the left.
It doesn’t make sense when you just look at it, yet when you learn how to use it… man! It’s going to make a world of difference for you, because you’ll be moving every day further and further toward your goal.
It’s going to become a positive self-habit where you’re going to wake up energized and like a race car with the engine revved up, waiting for that gun to go off telling you the race is on, and you’re ready to floor it!!!!
That’s how I’m going to use that particular Action Coaching Map to accelerate into each day!
How much will you benefit from it!?
I don’t know how long the Action Coaching Webinars will be – Because they’ll be long enough to make sure you’re using the Action Coaching Maps to become a fine-tuned, well-oiled, high-performance race car yourself!
We’ll probably be going three to four hours, depending on how many questions you and others joining us live have for me as I’m walking you through each Action Coaching Map.
And no worries if you can’t make the live webinars. You’re going to be getting the videos from each one that you can download and go through more than once if you want to.
Although my intention is that we’re going through and setting up your Action Plan so right away from the Action Coaching Webinar you’ll be up and running and using the Action Coaching Maps most important to your goals and needs.
You’ll also know when to use the other ones you may not need as much right now.
Ready to get started?
We roll shortly!
You have two choices about how you join the Action Coaching Webinar Training.
Join the one that best serves you.
1)Click here if you only want all 24 Action Coaching Maps and the training to benefit from using them. You will either be able to join us on the webinars live, or you’ll get to download them, if not both.
Although each Action Coaching Map by itself is worth $10 once you know how to use, all 24 would normally set you back $240 – by investing in yourself at this high level and doing the full Action Coaching Webinar Training now, you’re entire cost is just $97, one time!
– Or –
Considering this is your life we’re talking about here, and no investment you could make is more important or worthwhile than an investment in fulfilling your Goals, Desires and Dreams, and becoming the person who will stop at nothing to achieve them….
Why not give yourself “The Best” to make them yours!?
“Engineering The Perfect Day, in Your Ideal Life”
2) As great as the tools are to stay focused and on fire, as well as the training to make sure you’re making it happen, why not go deeper?
First you’re also getting the same software I use myself to use my time efficiently and make sure everything important gets done.
Procrastination is a thing of the past when you give yourself this powerful time management system, as well.
The way it works is simple – You click a few interactive buttons to set up timers for the 30 minutes to two hours you set aside for the things you need to get done – all right there in the Action Generator Software.
While the timer is counting down, it does important things to you subconsciously, so you stay hyper-attentive and focused. Nothing else can interrupt you, because that clock is ticking, and you’re automatically in peak form.
You’re in “The Zone” and getting it done!
Your Action Generator Software will be one of the best things you’ve ever bought to manage your time like a top-level CEO.
(And it’s fun, too – Trust me… you’ll love it!)
You’ll also be far more efficient, as well, because your Action Generator Software stores all the things you do regularly, so a few clicks and you’re off to the races, each day!
You probably know that the more fancy day planning systems cost several hundred dollars on up to a few thousand bucks.
However your Action Generator Software, as heavy duty as it is… only costs $97, if you were to do it by itself.
Although you’re also getting a webinar training where I walk you through setting it up and using it. That’s another $97 value.
….And both the Action Generator Software, and the training showing you how to use it are included in “Engineering The Perfect Day in Your Ideal Life”.
What is “The Perfect Day”?
Quite simply it’s your Morning Success Ritual.
It’s a few yet vitally important routines you do that make sure you’re “Focused & Fired Up” – every single day!
Because as a result of doing “Perfect Day”, you’ve engineered yourself to be in the right mindset to tackle anything that comes along.
You’re going to be “FANTASTIC”… no matter what!
In fact, it’s much better than that.
Because we’re going to identify your Guiding Vision and write your Personal Mission Statement.
Both will be vitally important to you, as I’m sure you can imagine!
They become the measuring stick to hold everything up against.
“Would this bring me closer to living my Personal Mission or move me further away?”
If whatever you’re considering would serve and support you, you jump into it.
If not, you leave it alone, and return your focus firmly back on those things that do serve and support you, truly.
You know the honest truth?
“Perfect Day” is a major part of the foundation of the $15,000 “Commanding Your Destiny” Coaching Program I’m going to be offering in a few months.
It’s a webinar workshop in which I walk you through creating your Guiding Vision and Personal Mission Statement.
And from there your Personal Success Ritual.
And yet it’s even more significant than that because we’re also going to create your vision for your health, your spiritual goals, your relationship goals.
Everything important to you will be “on the map”.
You’ll know where you stand with each one, at any given time.
My commitment to you is that this will be the most substantial thing you’ve ever done for yourself.
As I mentioned, “Perfect Day” is part of my soon-to-be-released $15,000 coaching program.
However, by joining me while we’re creating this training live, you’re getting in at the greatly reduced price of just $297 right here!
(To be clear, you’re not getting the $15,000 coaching program – You’re getting the foundational part of Module 1, “Engineering The Perfect Day in Your Ideal Life”)
You’re also getting the Action Generator Software System, which costs $97 by itself.
And you’re getting the Action Coaching Webinar Training, which also costs $97 on its own.
“Perfect Day” will likely be about eight hours long by the time we finish. Same as with the Action Coaching Webinar Training, if you can’t join us live, you’ll still benefit immeasurably from doing the videos later. You’ll have them shortly after each live webinar.
Back a few weeks ago when I visited my parents for three weeks I started to ask Mom how appreciative she is.
Because I observed that Mom and Dad both take each other for granted.
He just assumes she’s going to keep the house clean. And she’ll get on him if he doesn’t take out the garbage, mow the lawn, fix a leak, etc.
They don’t consciously appreciate each other, and for example, Mom has to ask whether the soup she made is good, and then Dad will tell her he likes it.
(Mom has told me two or three times how much she enjoys making things for me, even to send as Care Packages, “because you’re SO appreciative!”)
However I saw signs of it when I was visiting how I “fell into” that old way of taking it for granted I had clean clothes waiting for me, clean sheets, my kind of food… the things she’s always made sure were there.
I’m sharing all that so you can think about the dynamics of your relationship with the people you’re closest to, even your spouse, and children.
My girlfriend and I don’t live together, although in the past she has taken me for granted, and it bothered me to the point I broke up with her last year, because I felt I made her feel special, and I wasn’t feeling that from her.
(Since then it’s been great. That reset was helpful.)
Back to our moms, I created a video for mine to let her know how much I do appreciate her. (Because all my life, Mom has made me feel special, so that’s important to me that my girlfriend does, too. And, yet, I also want to make sure Mom knows how special she is to ME, as well)
Watch it here:
If this message speaks to you in any way, I suggest you record your own video, or audio, or write a letter.
And tell the most important people in your life how you feel.
Share your thoughts below, and share this message if you feel it will help other Moms feel special, as well. (Like it, tweet it, etc.)
Dan Klatt
“Daily Personal Growth” TV show host
(Personal Growth Society Founding Member)
It’s one thing to believe in yourself, which is an internal activity. However, if you don’t act on those beliefs, you’ll limit the amount of success and happiness you enjoy. Confidence begins inside and extends outward—into the actions you take in the world. As you’re now becoming super-confident, first, define confidence for yourself, because people define it differently. To some it may relate strictly to their work environment, being confident in how they perform their jobs or run their businesses. You want to exude confidence so you’re successful in work and make a good living.
For others, confidence may be more about their personal image and how they interact with others socially. Your super-confidence helps you attract and keep confident friends who appreciate you and relate on an equal basis… if you’re not their natural leader.
So decide what confidence means to you and then take stock of where you are and how you measure up to your definition. For example, if you notice that you feel like you believe in yourself and appear to be confident when you network at business meetings, yet you’re not seeing people run up to grab your business card, then determine what you could do to be more confident.
One great way to be super confident once you’ve defined it is to emulate another super-confident person. Whether or not you interact with them or ask them to coach or mentor you, at least you can copy their confidence. Notice how they dress, how they walk, how they shake hands, how they look people in the eyes, how they speak, what they say.
Another way to build confidence is to study how you are when you do something you’re naturally confident at. Suppose you’re a naturally confident writer, yet you want to overcome the fear of public speaking so you can better promote your books. What makes you confident as a writer? You might notice that you have a knack for writing in a way that speaks directly to the reader. How do you do that? How can you do that when you’re speaking in front of an audience?
An additional confidence booster is to ask for feedback from a trusted friend or associate. If you’re building your confidence to speak to strangers in social situations, take a friend with you and ask him or her to give you feedback after you’ve had some encounters. It helps if the friend is confident in social situations.
Confidence training can also include finding ways to stretch beyond your typical comfort zone, in other words, “Feel the fear and do it anyway!” Take baby steps. If you want to speak to groups, start with a few people in your living room. Then talk to a small group at a local library and keep building from there. When people tell me how much value they received from hearing my talk, it zooms my confidence to the top of the charts. And if I get no feedback or people are walking out early, it’s time to see what can be improved. Is it the right subject matter, the right audience, passion for the information, the way it’s presented…? Keep doing what you’re doing with minor adjustments each time and notice how your confidence keeps growing.
With this un-ending commitment, tomorrow can be the first day you woke up super-confident!
People with lower self-esteem tend to fit it difficult to believe in themselves when it seems no one else does. People generally derive feedback from how we’re perceived by others. When that feedback is negative—or worse non-existent—many tend to doubt themselves.
“I thought I was confident when I presented myself at that meeting,” you might think. Then when nobody approaches you to ask more about your business, you start to wonder. Do others not believe me when I say I’m an excellent financial planner? Or massage therapist? Or executive coach?
Or you might get dressed up and go out to a singles’ party. You took the time to buy a new outfit, get your haircut, and lose a few pounds. You say your affirmations before you leave the house: “I’m lovable and (women/men) are attracted to me.” And after the event is over, you can’t figure out why no one seemed to want to talk with you.
Have you ever heard of the mirror effect? That means that when someone says something to you, they may be reflecting back what they’re experiencing IN you. That is, some of the person’s feedback is their own “stuff”, while some is a reflection on your energy.
So if you’re doubting yourself when you go to the party and you start comparing yourself to others—“He’s much better looking than me” or “She’s got a great dress that puts mine to shame”—then the energy you put out is what others pick up on and that’s the feedback they present.
I know this may be hard to take in. A lot of people don’t like to hear that they’re putting out negativity, fear, lack of confidence, etc. They may smile, feel good about themselves, and then not get the results they want or expect. However, when you take full responsibility for the results you get in your life, you’ll experience great freedom. WHY? Because you can change anything that’s not working!
That means when it seems others don’t believe in you, you can begin by believing in yourself. Take an honest appraisal of how you really feel about yourself. Do you truly believe you’re worthy of love? Do you actually feel you deserve to attract clients and prosper in your business? I’m sure you’re thinking, “YES, I DO!” And I would agree many of us do believe that we do believe in ourselves.
However, all I can say is we live in a reflective world where what you put out is what you get back. So if it seems no one else is believing in you, your job is to do what it takes to believe in yourself. And I’ll tell you what—believing in yourself provides great benefits beyond doing it for others. You will feel amazing when you fully believe in yourself. You’ll naturally walk through the world with great ease and confidence—and it won’t matter if anyone else believes in you, because the most important person in your world does! YOU! And just like that, you’ll see positive reflections in others.