Lead Your Communities (Online & Off) in Saving Us!!! No More Division!
Please HELP in UNITING Us...
We've lost our way as a people and are well on the way toward destroying ourselves...
Because we *HAD* bought into the mass fear hysteria - "The Narrative" of hatred... division... separation - and, yes, even violence - unrelentingly POUNDED into people by the self-serving media.
(Panic, unrest, violence, FEAR, chaos, collapsing the global economy, rioting, looting - all VERY profitable for these "elite" corporations hell-bent on destroying our way of life and taking away our freedom... liberty... and sovereignty!!!)
Think about that...
WE NEED YOU to Stand Up and LEAD your community - both online and offline...
Be THE EXAMPLE of someone Standing Within Your Power, INSPIRING OTHERS, leading from Integrity...
Being The Change you wish to see in the world - the Leader whom your children respect, admire and look up to!!!
This is The Time. Now...
This is The Place. Right Here...
And you are The Person.
Yes YOU!!!
We need you!
The world needs you!!
Your children need you!!!
Go to http://www.StandWithin.com/mentoring/ and step into your divinely inspired LEADERSHIP ROLE.
Become one of our 10 "Stand Within Your Power Certified-Mentors" where you're getting what you need to LEAD your community through making the changes now required of EVERY ONE OF US...
Here's how we're doing this:
1. First we're doing the "Saving Humanity Intensive". See this badly needed coaching program for yourself at http://www.StandWithin.com/intensive/.
(Yes, it costs $1,497 by itself, because it's so TRANSFORMATIONAL to you personally, it easily justifies that tuition! In fact, it's now REQUIRED of us ALL!)
It's where we're taking back our power. And then making the changes now mandatory for everyone...
- Within Ourselves!
- Within Our Families!
- Within Our Communities, Neighborhoods, and Society!
- Within the Environment, for the Earth!
Because be honest with yourself, here - you HAD neglected...
- Yourself,
- Your Family,
- Your Purpose (Being of Service to Others), Humanity as a Whole... AND
- Planet Earth...
We HAD neglected ourselves and each other for so long, I don't even really have to ask you whether you're acknowledging how much we ALL need to get our lives and our society back in balance again...
Because it's far too obvious how bad WE HAD allowed things to get...
We're changing that, now... TOGETHER!!!
(It's going to be the best thing you've done... for yourself, for your family, for Humanity... and for the Earth!)
2. Next we're doing the companion "Promise to the Planet Workshop" which as you can see here costs $997 by itself:
3. Then we're doing the "Deep Introspective Coaching Experience" which itself costs $997 because it's worth so much more than that...
There's more to being a Certified-Mentor than that.
See it all for yourself - and make sure you're one of our 10 Certified-Mentors LEADING YOUR COMMUNITY at http://www.StandWithin.com/mentoring/
(Do it now - it's important.)
I think you'll also like the PARTNER aspect of being a Certified-Mentor.
Actually, I'm not going to tell you about that here.
That's for people who are more entrepreneurial.
You might just want to do our Mentoring Program for yourself, to Be of Far Greater Service to all the people in the world suffering greatly now!!!
(And that's fine. It's NOBLE and honorable of you! Because you care so much and LOVE Humanity so much... and truly want to do your part to HELP!!!)
I get it. That's why I wrote the Saving Humanity Book and created especially the Saving Humanity Intensive in the first place!
Because it's how we're taking back our power and becoming self-empowered once again!
Would you like to join us?
Please do - I'd love to work with you personally, and help you make sure this is by far the most rewarding, fulfilling and transformational thing you've ever done!!!
It's all yours at http://www.StandWithin.com/mentoring/.
Or directly right here if you've seen enough and just have that sense, "I've got to do this!"...
Thank You VERY much!!!
Let me know if you have any questions.
Dan Klatt,
"Stand Within Your Power" Mentor