Life is constantly changing around us, in us, through us, and about us.
It’s inevitable that there are going to be changes throughout life.
Some will be good, some bad, and some indifferent.
Some you like, some you hate, and some just don’t matter.
Obviously the changes you like are easy to deal with and you might even look forward to it!
What about the changes in life that aren’t so peachy? How do you handle those?
Let’s explore some of these common changes and the best ways to cope with them.
1. Job Loss
Job loss is on the forefront of almost every American’s mind right now as the economy declines more and more each day.
This type of change can be very stressful, if you allow it to be.
However, by looking at the situation differently, job loss doesn’t have to be stressful.
When you’re faced with job loss, try to think of it as a new opportunity to try something new or something you’ve always wanted to do.
Some ideas are:
Take some evening classes to learn a new skill or trade.
Make arts, crafts, or jewelry and sell it online or at craft fairs.
Teach others what you know through tutoring or consulting.
Start an online business.
The point is to take a step out of your comfort zone and see the many opportunities that lie before you.
Stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t easy though, is it?
It does take effort and courage.
When you’re stuck in your comfort zone, well, you’re just that – stuck.
Who wants to be stuck?
I don’t and I would venture to say that neither do you!
To get unstuck, take a step out of your comfort zone and look at other possibilities, instead of stressing over the changes that lie ahead.
2. Moving
How about moving or transferring to another area?
That can be a pretty big change that could cause a lot of stress.
The best way to cope with this situation is to look at it as a time to refresh and renew.
I know this can be difficult sometimes, especially when you love the area you live in now.
And, of course, you’ll miss all your friends, family, and familiar sites.
Moving away from people you love can be very stressful and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be!
You can look at the big move as an opportunity to stretch your horizons and meet new people.
Your friends and family will still be there, and you’ll still be able to keep in touch with them on a regular basis.
But you’ll also grow roots in other places, and you just might build even stronger friendships and relationships than you’ve ever imagined!
Focus on the New Opportunities
There are always positive ways to look at things and when you train your minds to look at change as opportunity, instead of stressing out about it, you’ll be happier and healthier.
Here are a couple of other common life changes that tend to be stressful, but can be seen as an exciting, new opportunity:
3. Unexpected Pregnancy – An unexpected pregnancy obviously can cause stress financially, emotionally, physically and mentally.
However, it’s a wonderful opportunity!
An opportunity to love a child and to give life.
A new opportunity to make some lifestyle changes or to give life to someone who can’t have children of their own through adoption, and so much more!
4. Children Growing Up – A child going off to college or moving away from home is a huge change that many find difficult to deal with.
Once again, look at the opportunities available not only to you, but for your son or daughter as well.
Maybe you’ll be able to downsize your home, saving you hundreds of dollars each month.
Or perhaps your bond with your partner and friends will grow and strengthen during this time.
Not to mention the growth and experience your child is going to gain as they grow and mature out in the world on their own.
How you choose to handle a situation will determine how much stress you’re going to allow on yourself.
You can either look at it as a new opportunity or a dreadful scenario. The choice is yours.
But the sooner you begin to look at life changes as new opportunities, the sooner you’ll enjoy a less-stressed life!
What recent change in your life has caused you stress?
How are you coping with this challenge?
Talk about that in the Personal Growth Cafe Community!
Also, as your gift for taking this to heart – and this is profoundly important… to us ALL – go to and do the Uniting Planet Earth 7-Day Quick-Start Ignition Program… and Allow it to Transform Your Life.
Before you leave…
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