Share your thoughts on this at the Personal Growth Cafe Community (it opens in a new tab, so you can have it open before you watch this video).
First the issue we don’t address too much, whether you agree with my friend that computer and the Internet hurt human interaction and only the illusion of meaningful relationships.
And, my point that the technology is just a tool, which we can use to greatly improve the lives of everyone on the planet!
We’re doing that, at least by getting all 320.7 million of us Americans focusing on rebuilding the greatness in our own lives, as we’re working together to rebuild the greatness within America as a whole – see it and stand with us, right here!
[video_player type=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9WNktESjA1M2g5NA==[/video_player]
So what do you think?
How much DO you influence your world?
Thanks for considering this!
Dan : )
Dan Klatt,
“Executive Life Consultant”
Personal Growth Cafe founder
“We Are Rebuilding America” Vision-Holder