A 21-year-old recently asked me how she can know which direction to take with her life.
It’s an important question – for people of all ages, because too many people have settled for much less than what they truly desire and that limits their happiness, how successful they are, how joy-filled their lives are… and often leaves them with regret, and unmet dreams.
All of these things often lead to greater stress, anxiety, disillusionment, depression…. and poor health. So do take this issue seriously yourself – and choose to go in the direction you’re meant to take!
First of all, fundamental to this issue is your understanding of The First Covenant of The Affluent Class.
“The First Covenant” is just how everything works. In fact, it’s the operating principle in our lives, or I refer to it as the operating system of the universe.
Quite simply, “The First Covenant” reminds us of the fact that “what you give your attention to and empower with strong feelings, you create more of”.
Related to this issue about which direction people should take with their lives, “The First Covenant” means that whichever path you take, that becomes a dominant part of your life.
And how you feel about that path, that line of work for example, creates more experiences of a similar feeling quality.
For example if someone takes the first job out of college in something not related to what he or she is truly passionate about, that job probably will not be very rewarding. And it may be stressful, unfulfilling or even make that person miserable.
Notice how “what you give your attention to and empower with strong feelings, you create more of”. So in the context of an unfulfilling job, that person would be creating more things that show up in his or her relationships, likely, poor health, the finances – also which cause misery and leave our friend unfulfilled in these areas, too.
You see how that works?
So how do you turn this dynamic that doesn’t serve people very well around? (At least when they’re in jobs that do not give them joy, causing them “lack of joy” in other areas too.)
Well, you give your attention to “what gives you joy, inspires you and moves you closer to your goals, desires and dreams”.
Because with that focus, *that* becomes what you’re giving your attention to and empowering with strong feelings, and that also becomes what you’re creating more of.
I’m not suggesting you walk into the bosses office and say “I quit, take this job and shove it” or anything drastic like that.
Not at all, because we also know that “everything that happens is for my betterment” so there are many positive benefits from your current position, if you don’t love it each day.
Although, as an example, if you’re not really satisfied by your current work and you dream about working for yourself, doing what you love…. then start tonight educating yourself on how to start your own business, the right way, how to market effectively, how to set up an order-pulling website…
Give yourself the training you need to begin doing what you love, outside of your day-job hours.
And because you’ve taken the time to do that effectively, from the get-go, you’re likely to succeed with that, and eventually make more than the day job pays, and you reach the point where you know you would be doing what you love – all the time – and making more money than you would where you’re an employee… and then – as long as it feels joyful to you – it may be the right time to exit that “direction” and change paths to being self-employed.
It can happen at a pace that feels right and appropriate for you.
And notice how the new direction still demonstrates “The First Covenant of The Affluent Class” because working for yourself is what you’re giving your attention to and empowering with strong feelings, and you’re manifesting that new life, in what I refer to as “in style and ease and grace and comfort and joy and expedience”.
Therefore, that’s exactly what you’re creating more of!
Which career path will you now focus on – the right way – and empower with strong feelings… knowing that’s what you’re then manifesting more of?
Begin doing that at once!
How can you begin living “The First Covenant”… starting today? Go to https://www.PersonalGrowthCafe.com and begin doing the “Crash Course on Creating Your Ideal Life”, the $197 video training I created to make sure you’re mastering this power we’re all meant to be using effectively, each moment. Also, if working for yourself is your dream, then you will love “Your First Million Online”, which can be free when you give yourself “The First Covenant 30-Day Immersion”
((link that to: http://www.personalgrowthcafe.com/5DayPersonalGrowthFoundationFundraiser.html