I understand my feelings and I am able to express them to others in a safe and honest way.
My understanding and acceptance of my feelings helps me to communicate these feelings to others in a way that is positive.
I am effective in my communications because I am honest in exploring my feelings and accepting of myself in whole.
My feelings are normal.
Frustrations, anger, happiness, excitement and even the feelings of need are common feelings that I share with the human race.
I accept all of my feelings and welcome them.
I experience my feelings, share them and move on.
I am able to discuss my deepest thoughts with others because I have taken the time to first understand them myself.
I welcome all feelings, both the negative and the positive.
They help balance my life.
My positive feelings are made sweeter because I understand what the negative feelings offer.
Today, I choose to accept all my feelings and open my heart to others.
I choose to communicate what I feel in safe and healthy ways.
I will let go of any obstacles that hinder me from communicating my feelings to others.
How have you taken the time to fully understand your feelings?
How have you accepted your feelings no matter what they are?
Talk about that in the Personal Growth Cafe Community!
Also, as your gift for taking this to heart – and this is profoundly important… to us ALL – go to UnitingPlanetEarth.com/ignition/ and do the Uniting Planet Earth 7-Day Quick-Start Ignition Program… and Allow it to Transform Your Life.
Before you leave…
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