If I want to be full of joyful energy, I must live a healthy lifestyle that provides all the energy I need.
I also practice mental exercises on a daily basis that facilitate my healthy lifestyle as well as my optimism, happiness, and self-fulfillment.
My choice to be healthy includes eating nutritious foods.
When I have a choice between picking up fast food and having a healthy meal, I opt for the healthy option.
To make this easier, I plan ahead and freeze leftovers so there is always healthy food in the freezer to heat and eat on those harried days.
I make it a point to exercise every day.
Even if I don’t have time for a workout, I stay active and make healthy choices. I take the stairs instead of the elevator.
When I go shopping, I park further out in the parking lot.
I play active games with my kids and pets and go for pleasant walks with my family and neighbors.
My joyful and adventurous attitude helps me feel vibrant.
I pray or meditate every day to inspire and motivate me.
I practice positive self-talk and repeat positive affirmations to banish negative thoughts and feelings.
I venture out of my comfort zone to take on new adventures with gusto.
Today, I plan to make healthy choices and experience total enthusiasm in everything I do.
How does your choices for exercise and food match your real desires for how you’d rather live?
How can you add more enthusiasm to your daily life?
Talk about that in the Personal Growth Cafe Community!
Also, as your gift for taking this to heart – and this is profoundly important… to us ALL – go to UnitingPlanetEarth.com/ignition/ and do the Uniting Planet Earth 7-Day Quick-Start Ignition Program… and Allow it to Transform Your Life.
Before you leave…
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