There is a reliable technique I use to manage my priorities. Using this system helps me organize my life.
When I think about my priorities, I imagine a row of balls. I pick up each ball, one at a time, and I label it with a goal or a task I hope to accomplish.
Then I take the ball and evaluate how important it is to my life. Once I have carefully assessed its value, I place the ball in one of three bins.
The first bin is where I place every high-priority task. This bin contains every task or goal that is most important to me.
The second bin is where I place the balls that are labeled with goals I hope to accomplish ‘someday.’ The projects in this bin are not as urgent or important as my high-priority tasks.
The last bin is where I place balls that are ‘delegate or drop’ tasks. This bin is helpful to me because it allows me to remove the tasks that are unimportant so I can focus on my bigger goals.
Once I have sorted each ball into my bins, my life has a comforting sense order. When I am ready to take on a new task, I simply reach into a bin and pull out one ball at a time.
Approaching only one task at a time gives me confidence because I feel capable of accomplishing my goals.
This process has simplified my life. I never lose track of the big picture and I always feel like I am accomplishing the things that are most important to me.
How can you identify all of the tasks and goals you currently have in your life?
What if you examine each task, could you separate it into one of the three bins?
Talk about that in the Personal Growth Cafe Community!
Also, as your gift for taking this to heart – and this is profoundly important… to us ALL – go to and do the Uniting Planet Earth 7-Day Quick-Start Ignition Program… and Allow it to Transform Your Life.
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