From: Dan Klatt,
The "Make A Difference" Man
Host of the "Daily Personal Growth" TV show
(Personal Growth Society Founding Member)
President of the Personal Growth Authors Association
….Serving as Your WealthSensei!
Hello My Personal Growth Colleague (and Soon-to-Be-Friend),
In a minute I'm going to apologize and explain why my "dust" is your "gold". Although first let's talk about why you're here right now.
You're already interested in Personal Growth, if not doing it professionally.
The question is are you ready to make a killing in it? Or if you're already "Living The Dream", are you ready to expand your reach, influence, and popularity?
Are you ready to expose your work and your message to far more people, getting in front of them, the right way, in this Web 2.0 world?
Then you're ready to become a Personal Growth Guru, and I'm here to make sure that happens in a natural way, as quickly and easily as possible.
How will we establish or build upon your expertise
and branding – and splash YOU all over
the inter-connected world online?
By giving you great content each month you can call your own.
And by showing you how to send it far and wide, along with your message…. so this content does its job and sends you people clamoring to join your list and be part of your world!
What I'm offering you is the Personal Growth Guru Kit, and I have to apologize, first, because right now today I do not have all your downloads ready for you to access.
(You'll actually thank me for that, because you'll save a lot of money as long as you don't mind waiting 2-3 days to get everything you're expecting from me for this month.)
What I mean is that as soon as I finish getting everything for this month's download page complete, within 3 days, the Personal Growth Guru Kit will be a straight $99.95-per-month-membership, and everyone who joins will get the Premium Content…. (And they'll love me for it, at that price!)
However right now, you can join for much less, and you can "test-the-waters", if you like, as a Basic Member, or Premium Member.
These are your choices:
Premium Personal Growth Guru Members receive, each month:
20 Professionally Written Articles, all 500 words each, or longer.
These articles are top notch. In fact, I currently get articles written for me from five places, and I have bought articles from at least 10 other sources, as well.These are hands down *THE BEST*I've received – and seen, from anyone!
(That's why I don't mind at all paying the writer $25 for each article for you to use as your own. Yes, they are worth that much.)
These 20 articles that you will be proud to put your name on and call your own – literally cost me $500. You get them each month as Premium Personal Growth Guru (Worth $500)
20 Video Versions of Those Same "Best-Quality-Out-There" Articles".
We know it's a video world now. Yet who has time to do all the hard work of taking each article, setting it up the right way, and turning it into a video?
You also know you need a major video presence online, particularly on YouTube, your blog, and Facebook.
(I remember being amazed the first time I saw one of mine hit 34,000 views. That was a pretty fun moment, I must say! 🙂
You could pay $100 for 1-2 minutes of videos, and they might not get you any traffic (if you don't use them correctly, as I will teach you how to!)
The 20 original videos you're getting as a Premium Personal growth Guru are yours to increase your brand, get more opt-ins, and ultimately monetize effectively.
These videos can definitely be worth $100 each to you, although the right person could create them professionally for $400. (Worth $400)
20 Additional Personal Growth Articles, Read by a Paid Model.
You already know the importance of having dozens of videos you can process (in the way I'll show you how to), to get the most exposure – and results – for your business.
You can also probably guess it would cost you *HUNDREDS* of dollars each month to have a professional model come in for a video shoot, not to mention all the work of finding that person, interviewing him or her, coordinating schedules, getting the lighting just right, editing the video… and dozens of other headaches.
(Let's just say you'll *LOVE* having me hand you these videos – completed, because I've already made the four-figure investment and taken care of everything, so you don't have to!)
All you need to do is download your 20 Model Videos each month, and use them the way I guide you (or BONUS 1 below will excite you if you'll allow someone else to do the work for you!!!).
Each of these videos is really worth $100, although let's "pretend" you could get them done on your own, for $20 each, so we'll conservatively call this a $400 value. (Worth $400)
- All 20 Articles the Professional Model Read in the Previous Videos.That's right, you're also getting 20 more articles each month, which you can also put out there far and wide. This is another $100 benefit each month. (Worth $100)
1 Original Audio and/or Video Training Each Month You Can Sell As Your Own!
You're getting something outstanding that I've created myself to sell as your own to make sure you can easily make back several times your small monthly investment.
(Because quite honestly I want you to be excited to get each month's downloads…. for years!!!)
For example most of these trainings you'll be getting each month you can sell for $39, although let's say they're $25-$50 per copy…
How many of those would you need to make money from to make your long-term investment in being a Premium Personal Growth Guru literally a no-brainer!?
During the rare times I sell anything of my own that I allow other people to resell for $39, they would need to pay me at least $120 for that right.
Although as I think you can imagine, if you sell even as few as 10 or 20 a month, you're already *living* with nice BMW-payment money! (Worth $120)
All together, your Personal Growth Guru Premium Membership is worth $1,520 – Each and every month!!!
Your $20-$50 Discount for Becoming a Personal Growth Guru Now (Claim Yours Before It Disappears!)
A few minutes ago I said my "Dust" is your "Gold", because it will take about two days to finish getting all your downloads set up and ready to go… Because it is quite frankly a lot of work, even with all the people involved with creating everything that's helping you become a Personal Growth Guru!
So in about three days, as I mentioned, Membership will cost a straight $99.95 a month, for everything you've just seen.
However, as long as you know you can get enough of these great original articles and videos – right now – to get you on your way to becoming that Personal Growth Guru you were born to be, the right way, and that within 2 days you'll have everything else…
To thank you for your 2 days of patience, you can become a Premium Personal Growth Guru right now for just $79.95, and you will never pay more for as long as you remain a member!
(Your patience is saving you $20 a month – not bad!)
– OR –
If you're not ready for all that content, 81 articles, videos and possibly audios to get your message out there, faster and more effectively….
Then until I finish setting up this month's content (when everyone will be joining for $99.95 a month)…
You can join right now as a Basic Member.
Instead of 20 of each, that would give you:
- 10 Original Premium-Quality Articles You Can Call Your Own; I paid $25 apiece for these: $250 Value
- 10 Original Videos of These Same Articles: $200 Value
- 10 Original Model Videos from Different Articles: $200 Value
- 10 Articles, Which the Model Read: $50 Value
- 1 Original Product You Can Sell As Your Own: $120 Value
Your cost for the Basic Membership is only $49.95 a month, and even when others must pay $99.95 a month, your cost for access will never go up as long as you keep your membership active (you can, of course, cancel anytime you want).

Saving $20 a month by joining now is great and all, or $50 if you don't want to be a Premium Personal Growth Guru and would rather just be a Basic Member, except…
"What about some awesome bonuses as an extra-fantastic way to thank you me for joining now?"
Sure thing, my friend!
The most important thing is that you join, whether as a Premium Personal Growth Guru or a Basic Member.
So as long as you join while you're on this page right now, you will also get three powerful bonuses that will do wonders to make your work much easier, and give you far better results!
By joining today you will also receive…
- One-week of VA services, up to 40 hours' work… on me! (The real-world value of this is very high, up to $1,000, or more, in fact! You can use your VA to set up or optimize your blog, or write software even. Although personally I suggest you have this person Do ALL the Work For You in getting your videos and articles out there, effectively marketing you and promoting your message!!!! (Worth $800)
- "The Process" I've used myself to pass the 100,000 video view mark on YouTube, as well as get more than 130,000 Twitter followers and one of my sites ranked 43,000 something in Alexa. (Of course I don't know what your results will be; one of the reasons I'm letting you join right now at such a steep discount is to track your successes so I can show everyone paying $99-a-month in 2-3 days, and soon $127 a month – what "typical" results are. (Worth: $200)
Personal Growth Guru Webinar. In fact, in about two weeks, we'll get together on a webinar (as long as you're one of the first 100 people, you'll be invited to join us live) where I walk you through exactly how to get the most subscribers, and profits, as a Personal Growth Guru. This webinar will be worth $149.
(If you're not quite sure yet what you're going to do with the 41 or 81 pieces of great content, I know many people will join and become Premium Personal Growth Gurus or Basic Members – just to be on this webinar… knowing it'll be worth far more to them than the $49.95 or $79.95 cost for everything they're getting by joining right here today.)
Let's add up everything you're getting, so you can decide whether to be a Premium Personal Growth Guru, or "just" a Basic Member:
(Soon there will be only the one membership, and it will cost $99.95, and then $127 a month)
Right now, Premium Personal Growth Gurus get….
- 20 Premium Original Articles to Use as Your Own. I paid $25 each for these: $500 Value
- 20 Original Videos from These Premium-Quality Articles: $400 Value
- 20 Original Model Videos: $400 Value
- 20 Articles that the Model Read: $100 Value
- 1 Original High-Quality Audio or Video Product You Can Resell: $120 Value
That's $1,520 worth of great content each month to make you a more highly respected, and paid, Premium Personal Growth Guru… for just $79.95 right here!
Or, you can become a Basic Member and get….
- 10 Original Premium-Quality Articles You Can Call Your Own; I paid $25 apiece for these: $250 Value
- 10 Original Videos of These Same Articles: $200 Value
- 10 Original Model Videos from Different Articles: $200 Value
- 10 Articles, Which the Model Read: $50 Value
- 1 Original Product You Can Sell As Your Own: $120 Value
That's $820 worth of great stuff, for just $49.95, right here!
Either way, in both cases, as long as you're one of the first 100 to join, and you join today, you're also getting….
- Your own VA to do all the work for you, for one week, up to 40 hours putting all this content out there to bring you more subscribers, prospects, if not clients and customers! $800 Value
- "The Process" to get the most mileage from the content, including the instructions (without my private details) I give my VA to give me more exposure. $200 Value
- "Personal Growth Guru Webinar" where I walk you through how best to monetize all the great stuff you're getting. $149 Value
Join as a Premium Personal Growth Guru here.
Or join as a Basic Member here.
As long as you're one of the first 100 to join, you're also getting those extra bonuses, themselves worth $1,149!
Know Your Rights – (And How
We’re Maintaining the High Value of
This Important Investment in
Your Personal Growth Business!)
As a Premium Personal Growth Guru or Basic Member, you may use all the content for your personal use, to spread your message far and wide and use it to get tons more subscribers, customers and clients.
You may not sell it, or allow others to use it (other than your VA working on your behalf to promote you and your work).
No one, other than Members, will have the right to use this material. (We also show you easy ways to make it uniquely yours, so there’s no worries about too many people using it, or it losing any of its impact and effectiveness.)
The only exception to this “Personal Use Only” limit on your license is the Original Resale Rights Product you will get each month.
That you may sell, for $39 or more.
The people who buy from you are getting only personal use rights. They may not resell it, only use it themselves.
To summarize your rights, you may use the content to market yourself. You may not sell it, other than the one resale rights product I created, which you may sell to your clients, for their personal use only. You agree to only sell it for $39 or more.
This way you can feel confident that the quality materials you’re getting each month will maintain their value, protecting the long-term investment you’re making in your Personal Growth business!
This is going to be one of the best things you've ever done for yourself to get your message out there and reach far more people with your work!!!
That is, after all, why we all became authors, coaches and experts in Personal Growth to begin with, right?
Now it's time to take that up several notches, because your message is SO NEEDED right now!
I'm here to help you do that, in the most effective way possible.
I can't wait to see how much you leverage all the great content you're getting once you're a Personal Growth Guru, and how much it's all going to be worth to you in new subscribers… and business!!!
(And be sure to let me know how great it's all working for you, once you – or your VA – are DOING "The Process"!)
Join now as a Premium Personal Growth Guru… or "just" as a Basic Member.
You'll love it, whichever way you choose!
Dan Klatt
"Daily Personal Growth" TV show host
(Personal Growth Society Founding Member)
President of the Personal Growth Authors Association
….Serving as Your WealthSensei!
No way, really? You can join as a Premium Personal Growth Guru for only $79.95 before the price goes up to $99.95 in a few days and you’re getting $1,520 worth of great content to spread your message far and wide. Or you can get $820 worth of ways to get more subscribers, and clients, for just $49.95 as a Basic Member.
Except because you're joining now and making sure you're one of the first 100 Gurus through the door, you're also getting $1,149 in additional bonuses… I just added that up and Premium Personal Growth Gurus are getting, altogether $2,679 worth of marketing hand-holding – and premium quality content to profit handsomely from.
Or Basic Members are getting a total of $1,969 of value their first month.
(Like I said, I know a lot of people will be joining just to be on the $149 webinar, which will teach you how to use the content the best way to make a killing as a Personal Growth Guru – That bonus alone for the first 100 people is reason enough for quite a few people to make sure they join in time to register!)
I am very serious about having you be one of the first 100 Personal Growth Gurus benefiting from all our great premium content, month after month for the long term.
And about doing everything possible to make sure your success using this content to better market yourself – and profit greatly – is legendary.
So at the last minute, I felt compelled to give you one additional bonus, which would otherwise cost an extra $40 a month… and which could be worth hundreds to you every single month….
– “The Clincher Bonus” –
(To Make Sure You’re One of the First 100 On The Inside And Join Today!)
We run a sister membership called “Personal Growth Gifts”. It costs $40 a month and gives Personal Growth leaders a potentially very large audience to share their lead-generation reports, audios or videos with.
In other words, it can be a powerful way for you to get traffic, subscribers, and clients!
To make sure you become one of “The 100 Personal Growth Guru Founding Members” today, we’re also going to give you this $40-per-month Personal Growth Gifts Publisher Account – FREE– for as long as you’re a Guru
….Even if you’re only paying us $9.95 extra as a Basic member!
In fact, we’ll go even further – to make this absolutely irresistible … an offer you can’t refuse (because I know how much it will help you, and your business!)…
By joining right now, you will also be getting 100% commissions, month after month, on everyone who joins “Personal Growth Gifts” through you.
We’re talking here about all your subscribers and Facebook fans, people seeing all your videos, etc.
If you could offer them a meaningful Personal Growth Gift every single day (and you didn’t have to do any of the work, you’re just collecting all the money from your referrals.)
….Can you imagine your people *LOVING YOU* for giving them so much, for just their $9.95-per-month memberships – where we don’t make a penny off your referrals and the money goes straight into your PayPal account!?
Can you easily envision just this last-minute bonus *MORE THAN* paying for your Premium Personal Growth Guru Membership?
Join at the level that best serves you:
Join as a Premium Personal Growth Guru here.
Or join as a Basic Member here.