As I grow and better myself I become a better spouse and parent.
As I look out my window I can see the beautiful oak tree with its branches stretched wide and strong.
Although I cannot see the roots, I know that they run deep into the ground to anchor it securely and sustain its growth.
Looking closely, I see a family of squirrels that have nested in a crook of the tree; they are offered shelter and security.
The birds are given a roost and the tree offers cooling shade to anyone who is near.
I am like this oak tree; as I grow in spirit I have more to offer to my family.
As I transform my spirit and continue to grow, I become strong and my foundation is able to sustain whatever comes my way.
I am a more attentive spouse and a gentler parent.
In nourishing and sustaining myself I continue to better my own life and therefore I bring more benefits to my family.
I am strong and my spirit stretches wide and can offer strength and shelter.
A gentle and encouraging word, a smile to warm the heart and arms to wrap around those I love are things I have within me to offer.
Today, I can ensure my betterment through nourishing my body and allowing my spirit to grow.
I am a better spouse and parent because I continue to grow and transform myself.
Everyone around me benefits from the positive energy I emit as I continue to grow and transform into a more enlightened being.
How have you created a strong foundation to support your transformation?
How have you become a place of shelter and rest for your family?
Talk about that in the Personal Growth Cafe Community!
Also, as your gift for taking this to heart – and this is profoundly important… to us ALL – go to and do the Uniting Planet Earth 7-Day Quick-Start Ignition Program… and Allow it to Transform Your Life.
Before you leave…
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