It’s Time for You to Become a Personal Growth Guru And Reach The Right People with Your Message!

Welcome, My Personal Growth Guru Friend!From: Dan Klatt,
The "Make A Difference" Man
Host of the "Daily Personal Growth" TV show
(Personal Growth Society Founding Member)
President of the Personal Growth Authors Association

….Serving as Your WealthSensei!


Hello My Personal Growth Colleague (and Soon-to-Be-Friend),

In a minute I'm going to apologize and explain why my "dust" is your "gold". Although first let's talk about why you're here right now.

You're already interested in Personal Growth, if not doing it professionally.

The question is are you ready to make a killing in it? Or if you're already "Living The Dream", are you ready to expand your reach, influence, and popularity?

Twitter Counter Ranked Me #140, in late 2009Are you ready to expose your work and your message to far more people, getting in front of them, the right way, in this Web 2.0 world?

Then you're ready to become a Personal Growth Guru, and I'm here to make sure that happens in a natural way, as quickly and easily as possible.


How will we establish or build upon your expertise
and branding – and splash YOU all over
the inter-connected world online?

By giving you great content each month you can call your own.

And by showing you how to send it far and wide, along with your message…. so this content does its job and sends you people clamoring  to join your list and be part of your world!


What I'm offering you is the Personal Growth Guru Kit, and I have to apologize, first, because right now today I do not have all your downloads ready for you to access.

(You'll actually thank me for that, because you'll save a lot of money as long as you don't mind waiting 2-3 days to get everything you're expecting from me for this month.)

What I mean is that as soon as I finish getting everything for this month's download page complete, within 3 days, the Personal Growth Guru Kit will be a straight $99.95-per-month-membership, and everyone who joins will get the Premium Content…. (And they'll love me for it, at that price!)

However right now, you can join for much less, and you can "test-the-waters", if you like, as a Basic Member, or Premium Member.

These are your choices:


Premium Personal Growth Guru Members receive, each month:


  1. 20 Personal Growth Guru Premium 500+ Word Articles Each Month20 Professionally Written Articles, all 500 words each, or longer.
    These articles are top notch. In fact, I currently get articles written for me from five places, and I have bought articles from at least 10 other sources, as well.

    These are hands down *THE BEST*I've received – and seen, from anyone!

    (That's why I don't mind at all paying the writer $25 for each article for you to use as your own. Yes, they are worth that much.)

    These 20 articles that you will be proud to put your name on and call your own – literally cost me $500. You get them each month as Premium Personal Growth Guru (Worth $500)


  3. 20 Premium Personal Growth Guru Original Videos to Spread Your Message Wider!20 Video Versions of Those Same "Best-Quality-Out-There" Articles".

    We know it's a video world now. Yet who has time to do all the hard work of taking each article, setting it up the right way, and turning it into a video?

    You also know you need a major video presence online, particularly on YouTube, your blog, and Facebook.

    (I remember being amazed the first time I saw one of mine hit 34,000 views. That was a pretty fun moment, I must say! 🙂

    As a Personal Growth Guru, how much would 78,000 views from 1 video help?You could pay $100 for 1-2 minutes of videos, and they might not get you any traffic (if you don't use them correctly, as I will teach you how to!)

    The 20 original videos you're getting as a Premium Personal growth Guru are yours to increase your brand, get more opt-ins, and ultimately monetize effectively.

    These videos can definitely be worth $100 each to you, although the right person could create them professionally for $400. (Worth $400)


  5. 20 Additional Personal Growth Articles, Read by a Paid Model. 

    You already know the importance of having dozens of videos you can process (in the way I'll show you how to), to get the most exposure – and results – for your business.

    How much traffic... leads... and clients can you imagine getting from these 20 original model videos?You can also probably guess it would cost you *HUNDREDS* of dollars each month to have a professional model come in for a video shoot, not to mention all the work of finding that person, interviewing him or her, coordinating schedules, getting the lighting just right, editing the video… and dozens of other headaches.

    (Let's just say you'll *LOVE* having me hand you these videos – completed, because I've already made the four-figure investment and taken care of everything, so you don't have to!)

    All you need to do is download your 20 Model Videos each month, and use them the way I guide you (or BONUS 1 below will excite you if you'll allow someone else to do the work for you!!!).

    Each of these videos is really worth $100, although let's "pretend" you could get them done on your own, for $20 each, so we'll conservatively call this a $400 value. (Worth $400)


  7. All 20 Articles the Professional Model Read in the Previous Videos.That's right, you're also getting 20 more articles each month, which you can also put out there far and wide. This is another $100 benefit each month. (Worth $100)

  9. 1 Original Audio and/or Video Training Each Month You Can Sell As Your Own!

    Each month you're getting 1 of my original products you can sell to (more than) pay for your Premium Personal Growth Guru Membership!You're getting something outstanding that I've created myself to sell as your own to make sure you can easily make back several times your small monthly investment.

    (Because quite honestly I want you to be excited to get each month's downloads…. for years!!!)

    For example most of these trainings you'll be getting each month you can sell for $39, although let's say they're $25-$50 per copy…

    How many of those would you need to make money from to make your long-term investment in being a Premium Personal Growth Guru literally a no-brainer!?

    During the rare times I sell anything of my own that I allow other people to resell for $39, they would need to pay me at least $120 for that right.

    Although as I think you can imagine, if you sell even as few as 10 or 20 a month, you're already *living* with nice BMW-payment money! (Worth $120)

All together, your Personal Growth Guru Premium Membership is worth $1,520 – Each and every month!!!


 Your $20-$50 Discount for Becoming a Personal Growth Guru Now (Claim Yours Before It Disappears!)

A few minutes ago I said my "Dust" is your "Gold", because it will take about two days to finish getting all your downloads set up and ready to go… Because it is quite frankly a lot of work, even with all the people involved with creating everything that's helping you become a Personal Growth Guru!

So in about three days, as I mentioned, Membership will cost a straight $99.95 a month, for everything you've just seen.

However, as long as you know you can get enough of these great original articles and videos – right now – to get you on your way to becoming that Personal Growth Guru you were born to be, the right way, and that within 2 days you'll have everything else…

To thank you for your 2 days of patience, you can become a Premium Personal Growth Guru right now for just $79.95, and you will never pay more for as long as you remain a member!

(Your patience is saving you $20 a month – not bad!)


JOIN HERE! I Am a Premium Personal Growth Guru!

– OR –

If you're not ready for all that content, 81 articles, videos and possibly audios to get your message out there, faster and more effectively….

Then until I finish setting up this month's content (when everyone will be joining for $99.95 a month)…

You can join right now as a Basic Member.

Instead of 20 of each, that would give you:

  1. 10 Original Premium-Quality Articles You Can Call Your Own; I paid $25 apiece for these: $250 Value
  2. 10 Original Videos of These Same Articles: $200 Value
  3. 10 Original Model Videos from Different Articles: $200 Value
  4. 10 Articles, Which the Model Read: $50 Value
  5. 1 Original Product You Can Sell As Your Own: $120 Value

Your cost for the Basic Membership is only $49.95 a month, and even when others must pay $99.95 a month, your cost for access will never go up as long as you keep your membership active (you can, of course, cancel anytime you want).

I Want to Be a Basic Personal Growth Guru!


Saving $20 a month by joining now is great and all, or $50 if you don't want to be a Premium Personal Growth Guru and would rather just be a Basic Member, except…

"What about some awesome bonuses as an extra-fantastic way to thank you me for joining now?"

Sure thing, my friend!

The most important thing is that you join, whether as a Premium Personal Growth Guru or a Basic Member.

So as long as you join while you're on this page right now, you will also get three powerful bonuses that will do wonders to make your work much easier, and give you far better results!

By joining today you will also receive…


  1. One-week of VA services, up to 40 hours' work… on me! (The real-world value of this is very high, up to $1,000, or more, in fact! You can use your VA to set up or optimize your blog, or write software even. Although personally I suggest you have this person Do ALL the Work For You in getting your videos and articles out there, effectively marketing you and promoting your message!!!! (Worth $800)

  3. "The Process" I've used myself to pass the 100,000 video view mark on YouTube, as well as get more than 130,000 Twitter followers and one of my sites ranked 43,000 something in Alexa. (Of course I don't know what your results will be; one of the reasons I'm letting you join right now at such a steep discount is to track your successes so I can show everyone paying $99-a-month in 2-3 days, and soon $127 a month – what "typical" results are. (Worth: $200)

  5. Personal Growth Guru Webinar. In fact, in about two weeks, we'll get together on a webinar (as long as you're one of the first 100 people, you'll be invited to join us live) where I walk you through exactly how to get the most subscribers, and profits, as a Personal Growth Guru. This webinar will be worth $149.

    (If you're not quite sure yet what you're going to do with the 41 or 81 pieces of great content, I know many people will join and become Premium Personal Growth Gurus or Basic Members – just to be on this webinar… knowing it'll be worth far more to them than the $49.95 or $79.95 cost for everything they're getting by joining right here today.)


Let's add up everything you're getting, so you can decide whether to be a Premium Personal Growth Guru, or "just" a Basic Member:

(Soon there will be only the one membership, and it will cost $99.95, and then $127 a month)

Right now, Premium Personal Growth Gurus get….

  1. 20 Premium Original Articles to Use as Your Own. I paid $25 each for these: $500 Value
  2. 20 Original Videos from These Premium-Quality Articles: $400 Value
  3. 20 Original Model Videos: $400 Value
  4. 20 Articles that the Model Read: $100 Value
  5. 1 Original High-Quality Audio or Video Product You Can Resell: $120 Value

That's $1,520 worth of great content each month to make you a more highly respected, and paid, Premium Personal Growth Guru… for just $79.95 right here!

I Am a Premium Personal Growth Guru!

Or, you can become a Basic Member and get….

  1. 10 Original Premium-Quality Articles You Can Call Your Own; I paid $25 apiece for these: $250 Value
  2. 10 Original Videos of These Same Articles: $200 Value
  3. 10 Original Model Videos from Different Articles: $200 Value
  4. 10 Articles, Which the Model Read: $50 Value
  5. 1 Original Product You Can Sell As Your Own: $120 Value

That's $820 worth of great stuff, for just $49.95, right here!


Either way, in both cases, as long as you're one of the first 100 to join, and you join today, you're also getting….

  1. Your own VA to do all the work for you, for one week, up to 40 hours putting all this content out there to bring you more subscribers, prospects, if not clients and customers! $800 Value
  2. "The Process" to get the most mileage from the content, including the instructions (without my private details) I give my VA to give me more exposure. $200 Value
  3. "Personal Growth Guru Webinar" where I walk you through how best to monetize all the great stuff you're getting. $149 Value

I Am a Premium Personal Growth Guru!
Join as a Premium Personal Growth Guru here.

I Want to Be a Basic Personal Growth Guru!Or join as a Basic Member here.

As long as you're one of the first 100 to join, you're also getting those extra bonuses, themselves worth $1,149!


Know Your Rights – (And How
We’re Maintaining the High Value of
This Important Investment in
Your Personal Growth Business!)

As a Premium Personal Growth Guru or Basic Member, you may use all the content for your personal use, to spread your message far and wide and use it to get tons more subscribers, customers and clients.

You may not sell it, or allow others to use it (other than your VA working on your behalf to promote you and your work).

No one, other than Members, will have the right to use this material. (We also show you easy ways to make it uniquely yours, so there’s no worries about too many people using it, or it losing any of its impact and effectiveness.)

The only exception to this “Personal Use Only” limit on your license is the Original Resale Rights Product you will get each month.

That you may sell, for $39 or more.

The people who buy from you are getting only personal use rights. They may not resell it, only use it themselves.

To summarize your rights, you may use the content to market yourself. You may not sell it, other than the one resale rights product I created, which you may sell to your clients, for their personal use only. You agree to only sell it for $39 or more.

This way you can feel confident that the quality materials you’re getting each month will maintain their value, protecting the long-term investment you’re making in your Personal Growth business!


This is going to be one of the best things you've ever done for yourself to get your message out there and reach far more people with your work!!!

That is, after all, why we all became authors, coaches and experts in Personal Growth to begin with, right?

Now it's time to take that up several notches, because your message is SO NEEDED right now!

I'm here to help you do that, in the most effective way possible.

I can't wait to see how much you leverage all the great content you're getting once you're a Personal Growth Guru, and how much it's all going to be worth to you in new subscribers… and business!!!

(And be sure to let me know how great it's all working for you, once you – or your VA – are DOING "The Process"!)

Join now as a Premium Personal Growth Guru… or "just" as a Basic Member.

You'll love it, whichever way you choose!


Dan Klatt
"Daily Personal Growth" TV show host
(Personal Growth Society Founding Member)
President of the Personal Growth Authors Association

….Serving as Your WealthSensei!


Become a Personal Growth Guru today and save BIG!

No way, really? You can join as a Premium Personal Growth Guru for only $79.95 before the price goes up to $99.95 in a few days and you’re getting $1,520 worth of great content to spread your message far and wide. Or you can get $820 worth of ways to get more subscribers, and clients, for just $49.95 as a Basic Member.

Except because you're joining now and making sure you're one of the first 100 Gurus through the door, you're also getting $1,149 in additional bonuses… I just added that up and Premium Personal Growth Gurus are getting, altogether $2,679 worth of marketing hand-holding – and premium quality content to profit handsomely from.

Or Basic Members are getting a total of $1,969 of value their first month.

(Like I said, I know a lot of people will be joining just to be on the $149 webinar, which will teach you how to use the content the best way to make a killing as a Personal Growth Guru – That bonus alone for the first 100 people is reason enough for quite a few people to make sure they join in time to register!)


Make sure you're one of the first 100 to join right now!

I am very serious about having you be one of the first 100 Personal Growth Gurus benefiting from all our great premium content, month after month for the long term.

And about doing everything possible to make sure your success using this content to better market yourself – and profit greatly – is legendary.

So at the last minute, I felt compelled to give you one additional bonus, which would otherwise cost an extra $40 a month… and which could be worth hundreds to you every single month….


– “The Clincher Bonus” –

(To Make Sure You’re One of the First 100 On The Inside And Join Today!)

We run a sister membership called “Personal Growth Gifts”. It costs $40 a month and gives Personal Growth leaders a potentially very large audience to share their lead-generation reports, audios or videos with.

In other words, it can be a powerful way for you to get traffic, subscribers, and clients!

To make sure you become one of “The 100 Personal Growth Guru Founding Members” today, we’re also going to give you this $40-per-month Personal Growth Gifts Publisher AccountFREE– for as long as you’re a Guru

….Even if you’re only paying us $9.95 extra as a Basic member!

In fact, we’ll go even further – to make this absolutely irresistible … an offer you can’t refuse (because I know how much it will help you, and your business!)…

By joining right now, you will also be getting 100% commissions, month after month, on everyone who joins “Personal Growth Gifts” through you.

We’re talking here about all your subscribers and Facebook fans, people seeing all your videos, etc.

If you could offer them a meaningful Personal Growth Gift every single day (and you didn’t have to do any of the work, you’re just collecting all the money from your referrals.)

….Can you imagine your people *LOVING YOU* for giving them so much, for just their $9.95-per-month memberships – where we don’t make a penny off your referrals and the money goes straight into your PayPal account!?

Can you easily envision just this last-minute bonus *MORE THAN* paying for your Premium Personal Growth Guru Membership?

Join at the level that best serves you:

I Am a Premium Personal Growth Guru!
Join as a Premium Personal Growth Guru here.

I Want to Be a Basic Personal Growth Guru!Or join as a Basic Member here.


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Is it time to tell Mom how much she means to you?

Hello My Friend,

Back a few weeks ago when I visited my parents for three weeks I started to ask Mom how appreciative she is.

Because I observed that Mom and Dad both take each other for granted.

He just assumes she’s going to keep the house clean. And she’ll get on him if he doesn’t take out the garbage, mow the lawn, fix a leak, etc.

They don’t consciously appreciate each other, and for example, Mom has to ask whether the soup she made is good, and then Dad will tell her he likes it.

(Mom has told me two or three times how much she enjoys making things for me, even to send as Care Packages, “because you’re SO appreciative!”)

However I saw signs of it when I was visiting how I “fell into” that old way of taking it for granted I had clean clothes waiting for me, clean sheets, my kind of food… the things she’s always made sure were there.

I’m sharing all that so you can think about the dynamics of your relationship with the people you’re closest to, even your spouse, and children.

My girlfriend and I don’t live together, although in the past she has taken me for granted, and it bothered me to the point I broke up with her last year, because I felt I made her feel special, and I wasn’t feeling that from her.

(Since then it’s been great. That reset was helpful.)

Back to our moms, I created a video for mine to let her know how much I do appreciate her. (Because all my life, Mom has made me feel special, so that’s important to me that my girlfriend does, too. And, yet, I also want to make sure Mom knows how special she is to ME, as well)

Watch it here:

If this message speaks to you in any way, I suggest you record your own video, or audio, or write a letter.

And tell the most important people in your life how you feel.

Share your thoughts below, and share this message if you feel it will help other Moms feel special, as well. (Like it, tweet it, etc.)


Dan Klatt
“Daily Personal Growth” TV show host
(Personal Growth Society Founding Member)

…Serving as Your WealthSensei!

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Believing in Yourself Isn’t Enough…. Here’s How to Be Super Confident!

It’s one thing to believe in yourself, which is an internal activity. However, if you don’t act on those beliefs, you’ll limit the amount of success and happiness you enjoy. Confidence begins inside and extends outward—into the actions you take in the world. As you’re now becoming super-confident, first, define confidence for yourself, because people define it differently. To some it may relate strictly to their work environment, being confident in how they perform their jobs or run their businesses. You want to exude confidence so you’re successful in work and make a good living.

For others, confidence may be more about their personal image and how they interact with others socially. Your super-confidence helps you attract and keep confident friends who appreciate you and relate on an equal basis… if you’re not their natural leader.

So decide what confidence means to you and then take stock of where you are and how you measure up to your definition. For example, if you notice that you feel like you believe in yourself and appear to be confident when you network at business meetings, yet you’re not seeing people run up to grab your business card, then determine what you could do to be more confident.

One great way to be super confident once you’ve defined it is to emulate another super-confident person. Whether or not you interact with them or ask them to coach or mentor you, at least you can copy their confidence. Notice how they dress, how they walk, how they shake hands, how they look people in the eyes, how they speak, what they say.

Another way to build confidence is to study how you are when you do something you’re naturally confident at. Suppose you’re a naturally confident writer, yet you want to overcome the fear of public speaking so you can better promote your books. What makes you confident as a writer? You might notice that you have a knack for writing in a way that speaks directly to the reader. How do you do that? How can you do that when you’re speaking in front of an audience?

An additional confidence booster is to ask for feedback from a trusted friend or associate. If you’re building your confidence to speak to strangers in social situations, take a friend with you and ask him or her to give you feedback after you’ve had some encounters. It helps if the friend is confident in social situations.

Confidence training can also include finding ways to stretch beyond your typical comfort zone, in other words, “Feel the fear and do it anyway!” Take baby steps. If you want to speak to groups, start with a few people in your living room. Then talk to a small group at a local library and keep building from there. When people tell me how much value they received from hearing my talk, it zooms my confidence to the top of the charts. And if I get no feedback or people are walking out early, it’s time to see what can be improved. Is it the right subject matter, the right audience, passion for the information, the way it’s presented…? Keep doing what you’re doing with minor adjustments each time and notice how your confidence keeps growing.

With this un-ending commitment, tomorrow can be the first day you woke up super-confident!




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xo so onlinedu doan cau loxổ số kenokqxs vnKQXOSOKQXS hôm naytrực tiếp kết quả xổ số ba miềncap lo dep nhat hom naysoi cầu chuẩn hôm nayso ket qua xo soXem kết quả xổ số nhanh nhấtSX3MIENXSMB chủ nhậtKQXSMNkết quả mở giải trực tuyếnGiờ vàng chốt số OnlineĐánh Đề Con Gìdò số miền namdò vé số hôm nayso mo so debach thủ lô đẹp nhất hôm naycầu đề hôm naykết quả xổ số kiến thiết toàn quốccau dep 88xsmb rong bach kimket qua xs 2023dự đoán xổ số hàng ngàyBạch thủ đề miền BắcSoi Cầu MB thần tàisoi cau vip 247soi cầu tốtsoi cầu miễn phísoi cau mb vipxsmb hom nayxs vietlottxsmn hôm naycầu lô đẹpthống kê lô kép xổ số miền Bắcquay thử xsmnxổ số thần tàiQuay thử XSMTxổ số chiều nayxo so mien nam hom nayweb đánh lô đề trực tuyến uy tínKQXS hôm nayxsmb ngày hôm nayXSMT chủ nhậtxổ số Power 6/55KQXS A trúng roycao thủ chốt sốbảng xổ số đặc biệtsoi cầu 247 vipsoi cầu wap 666Soi cầu miễn phí 888 VIPSoi Cau Chuan MBđộc thủ desố miền bắcthần tài cho sốKết quả xổ số thần tàiXem trực tiếp xổ sốXIN SỐ THẦN TÀI THỔ ĐỊACầu lô số đẹplô đẹp vip 24hsoi cầu miễn phí 888xổ số kiến thiết chiều nayXSMN thứ 7 hàng tuầnKết quả Xổ số Hồ Chí Minhnhà cái xổ số Việt NamXổ Số Đại PhátXổ số mới nhất Hôm Nayso xo mb hom nayxxmb88quay thu mbXo so Minh ChinhXS Minh Ngọc trực tiếp hôm nayXSMN 88XSTDxs than taixổ số UY TIN NHẤTxs vietlott 88SOI CẦU SIÊU CHUẨNSoiCauVietlô đẹp hôm nay vipket qua so xo hom naykqxsmb 30 ngàydự đoán xổ số 3 miềnSoi cầu 3 càng chuẩn xácbạch thủ lônuoi lo chuanbắt lô chuẩn theo ngàykq xo-solô 3 càngnuôi lô đề siêu vipcầu Lô Xiên XSMBđề về bao nhiêuSoi cầu x3xổ số kiến thiết ngày hôm nayquay thử xsmttruc tiep kết quả sxmntrực tiếp miền bắckết quả xổ số chấm vnbảng xs đặc biệt năm 2023soi cau xsmbxổ số hà nội hôm naysxmtxsmt hôm nayxs truc tiep mbketqua xo so onlinekqxs onlinexo số hôm nayXS3MTin xs hôm nayxsmn thu2XSMN hom nayxổ số miền bắc trực tiếp hôm naySO XOxsmbsxmn hôm nay188betlink188 xo sosoi cầu vip 88lô tô việtsoi lô việtXS247xs ba miềnchốt lô đẹp nhất hôm naychốt số xsmbCHƠI LÔ TÔsoi cau mn hom naychốt lô chuẩndu doan sxmtdự đoán xổ số onlinerồng bạch kim chốt 3 càng miễn phí hôm naythống kê lô gan miền bắcdàn đề lôCầu Kèo Đặc Biệtchốt cầu may mắnkết quả xổ số miền bắc hômSoi cầu vàng 777thẻ bài onlinedu doan mn 888soi cầu miền nam vipsoi cầu mt vipdàn de hôm nay7 cao thủ chốt sốsoi cau mien phi 7777 cao thủ chốt số nức tiếng3 càng miền bắcrồng bạch kim 777dàn de bất bạion newsddxsmn188betw88w88789bettf88sin88suvipsunwintf88five8812betsv88vn88Top 10 nhà cái uy tínsky88iwinlucky88nhacaisin88oxbetm88vn88w88789betiwinf8betrio66rio66lucky88oxbetvn88188bet789betMay-88five88one88sin88bk88xbetoxbetMU88188BETSV88RIO66ONBET88188betM88M88SV88Jun-68Jun-88one88iwinv9betw388OXBETw388w388onbetonbetonbetonbet88onbet88onbet88onbet88onbetonbetonbetonbetqh88mu88Nhà cái uy 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How to Believe in Yourself… Even When It Seems No One Else Does

People with lower self-esteem tend to fit it difficult to believe in themselves when it seems no one else does. People generally derive feedback from how we’re perceived by others. When that feedback is negative—or worse non-existent—many tend to doubt themselves.


“I thought I was confident when I presented myself at that meeting,” you might think. Then when nobody approaches you to ask more about your business, you start to wonder. Do others not believe me when I say I’m an excellent financial planner? Or massage therapist? Or executive coach?


Or you might get dressed up and go out to a singles’ party. You took the time to buy a new outfit, get your haircut, and lose a few pounds. You say your affirmations before you leave the house: “I’m lovable and (women/men) are attracted to me.” And after the event is over, you can’t figure out why no one seemed to want to talk with you.


Have you ever heard of the mirror effect? That means that when someone says something to you, they may be reflecting back what they’re experiencing IN you. That is, some of the person’s feedback is their own “stuff”, while some is a reflection on your energy.


So if you’re doubting yourself when you go to the party and you start comparing yourself to others—“He’s much better looking than me” or “She’s got a great dress that puts mine to shame”—then the energy you put out is what others pick up on and that’s the feedback they present.


I know this may be hard to take in. A lot of people don’t like to hear that they’re putting out negativity, fear, lack of confidence, etc. They may smile, feel good about themselves, and then not get the results they want or expect. However, when you take full responsibility for the results you get in your life, you’ll experience great freedom. WHY? Because you can change anything that’s not working!


That means when it seems others don’t believe in you, you can begin by believing in yourself. Take an honest appraisal of how you really feel about yourself. Do you truly believe you’re worthy of love? Do you actually feel you deserve to attract clients and prosper in your business? I’m sure you’re thinking, “YES, I DO!” And I would agree many of us do believe that we do believe in ourselves.


However, all I can say is we live in a reflective world where what you put out is what you get back. So if it seems no one else is believing in you, your job is to do what it takes to believe in yourself. And I’ll tell you what—believing in yourself provides great benefits beyond doing it for others. You will feel amazing when you fully believe in yourself. You’ll naturally walk through the world with great ease and confidence—and it won’t matter if anyone else believes in you, because the most important person in your world does! YOU! And just like that, you’ll see positive reflections in others.




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Stop Questioning: “Will I Ever Find The Right Person for Me?”

Have you ever wondered if there’s a right person for everyone—especially you? If you’re like other singles, you’ve probably asked yourself this question a lot. Perhaps you’ve had love and lost. You’ve been married and divorced. Or you’ve been single your whole life.

 As we grow older, especially past 40, many singles, whether divorced or never married, ask this question with more and more doubt. Some of them may erroneously believe there seems to be fewer opportunities to find love. You most likely found it easier to meet potential partners when you were younger: in school, in jobs, in your neighborhood, or through friends. There appeared to be no shortage of the “right person” available. And you may have connected with some partners, but unfortunately, for whatever reasons, it didn’t last.

 I once heard someone say, “If you can’t find Mr. Right, how about Mr. Right Now?” Or the song that says, “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.” That’s fine if you’re not looking for long-lasting love and you’re happy to live—and love—in the moment. And this scenario is perfect for many people. Because you may have noticed that the longer you’ve been single, the harder it is to consider being with someone on a regular basis. You’re set in your ways, you enjoy your freedom, and you have no one to have to compromise with. So being with Mr. or Ms. Right Now is OK for you.

However, if you have your heart set on finding the right person long-term, then you need to ask this question: “Am I the right person?” What I mean by that is, are you the right person for someone else, that someone who’s also looking for the right person? And truthfully, the only way to be the right person for someone is to be the right person for you!

So the question you should be asking instead of “Will I ever find the right person for me?” is “Am I the right person for me?” To explore this further, take stock of your assets and liabilities—no, not the financial ones, although that’s part of the picture, but the personal ones. Can you assemble a personal balance sheet?

 For example, your asset side could include: I’m attractive, friendly, generous, helpful, talented, and curious; while your liabilities might include: I’m a procrastinator, I’m often late, I don’t always keep my commitments, I don’t finish what I start, and I’m disorganized at home. Then consider whether you want to improve upon or eliminate any of these traits. Would they be appealing to the person you imagine is right for you? Are you happy with these characteristics?

 To find the right person for you think about embarking on the journey of becoming the right person—for you and for that someone who will be attracted to you because you’re attracted to yourself. The love of your life is YOU—at least for now!




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xsmbCHƠI LÔ TÔsoi cau mn hom naychốt lô chuẩndu doan sxmtdự đoán xổ số onlinerồng bạch kim chốt 3 càng miễn phí hôm naythống kê lô gan miền bắcdàn đề lôCầu Kèo Đặc Biệtchốt cầu may mắnkết quả xổ số miền bắc hômSoi cầu vàng 777thẻ bài onlinedu doan mn 888soi cầu miền nam vipsoi cầu mt vipdàn de hôm nay7 cao thủ chốt sốsoi cau mien phi 7777 cao thủ chốt số nức tiếng3 càng miền bắcrồng bạch kim 777dàn de bất bạion newsddxsmn188betw88w88789bettf88sin88suvipsunwintf88five8812betsv88vn88Top 10 nhà cái uy tínsky88iwinlucky88nhacaisin88oxbetm88vn88w88789betiwinf8betrio66rio66lucky88oxbetvn88188bet789betMay-88five88one88sin88bk88xbetoxbetMU88188BETSV88RIO66ONBET88188betM88M88SV88Jun-68Jun-88one88iwinv9betw388OXBETw388w388onbetonbetonbetonbet88onbet88onbet88onbet88onbetonbetonbetonbetqh88mu88Nhà cái uy 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The Right Way to Add Feelings to What You’re Manifesting So It’s Yours… Fast

Did you know that you are a master manifester? That means that you’re the creator of your life experience. You create or manifest your life through your thoughts, words, and actions—and most importantly through your feelings.

 If you’re new to this philosophy, you might remember the great impact the movie “The Secret” had several years ago bringing the so-called “secrets” of manifestation to the masses. Many people embraced these ideas; however, many also met with great frustration in not being able to manifest everything they desired.

 Although Napoleon Hill may have said, “Desire is the starting point of all achievement,” it’s not the end point. He also said, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” All that’s true, and for most of us we can create fierce desire for what we want; we can conceive in our imagination our fondest hopes; and many of us can believe we can have what we want—although belief is sometimes a stopping point for us.

 Yet, why do countless lost souls wander around in lives of quiet desperation wishing, hoping, praying, journaling, and doing all the “things” they’re supposed to do to manifest their dreams?

 If you examine Napoleon Hill’s quote about the mind, you can see that he leaves out the heart. What “The Secret” didn’t explain is that the real secret is that we have to power our thoughts, words, and actions with feelings. Feelings are the fuel of manifestation.

 Close your eyes for a minute and visualize in detail a scene where you were happy. Now put yourself into the scene and feel the feelings; notice the shift in your energy. Tony Robbins, another teacher of manifesting principles, talks about changing one’s state. So if you’re feeling sad, you can change your state to happiness by moving your body, feeling the feelings, and recreating the state of happiness.

 Many other teachers like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and Louise Hay have all advised seekers about the power of feelings. Abraham-Hicks say in The Law of Attraction that every thought you think has magnetic attracting potential, but the thoughts in combination with the feeling of a strong emotion are the most powerful.

 Another teacher, John Assaraf, in The Answer provides scientific evidence that reveals the power of thoughts and feelings. Science has proven that everything is composed of energy and is inter-related. Therefore, your thoughts fueled by the force of feelings have energy to affect the material world and the power to attract what you desire.

 If you want to be an effective manifester, take the time to study more about the law of attraction. Find the method that works best for you to attract what you desire. If you journal or say affirmations, use powerful adjectives like “enthusiastic”, “thrilled”, and “grateful” to energize your feelings. For example, you might say, “I’m thrilled with the success of my new business. I’m so grateful that I get to assist many people.” Then close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, feel the feelings, and visualize the outcome you desire. Welcome to the wonderful world of manifestation!


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Let’s Make A Difference, TOGETHER Empowering 100 Million People… (Starting with YOU, Now!)

Transform Your Life by Making A Difference to Others!

Hello My Friend!

Thank you for giving me permission to transform your life!!!

In seconds we’ll be ready to begin “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service”.

First, though, we want to make sure you’re appreciating that this really is a $2,000 training.

I have three or four other trainings that also sell for $1,997, and others that cost more.

That means “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” is so valuable, it easily justifies its $2,000 price tag (because it’s worth 10 times more than that).

It’s important that you respect it as a $2,000 product = In fact treat it as though you paid that much to do it with me.

Because that way you’ll make sure you get that “10 times more than you paid for it” out of this life-changing course.

Are you willing to do that!?


Let’s begin.

Allow "Transforming Your Life by Being of Service" to Serve YOU fully! Complete the “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” training with Me (Make sure you take it to heart!)

Transforming Your Life by Being of Service

1. We begin by downloading and opening the course manual – right click and save it here.

2. Open the manual and then play Part 1 of the “Transforming Your Life” Audio Training:

CD 1:[podloveaudio src=”″]
(This really is your key to Self-Empowerment…
Make sure you’re doing everything right along with me in the audio.)

3. As soon as we finish CD1, move right along with me to CD2…

CD 2:[podloveaudio src=”″]

4. Make sure you’re thinking about all the questions we’re exploring together, and participate in the conversations – not just in the Personal Growth Community – also on Facebook with your friends… as part of how we’re all together transforming the lives of so many good people!

5. Play CD3 when we’ve finished going through CD2.

CD 3:[podloveaudio src=”″]

6. How much are you going to allow The First Covenant of The Affluent Class to transform your life?

It’s very important to me that you allow it to serve you fully, and that you begin living it, where you’re consciously choosing what you’re giving your power to, moment by moment… and quickly manifesting everything you earnestly desire!

Will you do that for me?


How great does it feel doing what I suggest you commit to doing here?

You know it will make a real difference – for you, for people whose lives you impact as a result of committing to “Making A Difference”… and for —- 100 million people!!!

Now let’s get started with the really fun stuff… making it all happen!

Like and Share the "Make A Difference" Video and Coaching Manual Commit And DO “Make A Difference” – with All Your Facebook Friends – for a Week, Starting Now: (It’s How We’re Transforming the Lives of 100 Million People…Together!!!) 

Everything we do is centered around the “Difference Page” – – Click on it, it opens in a new window.

Rate that post first – Giving it 5-stars if you support what we’re doing with the “Make A Difference” Movement. Just click the fifth star top left.

Then Share it on Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc… right in the “Rating Pop-Up”.

Next, at the top of the page, Tweet it and Like it. (That’s really quick, easy… and helpful!)

Then scroll down to the bottom and click the “I Love It” button, and Tweet it, Post to Facebook and Pin It.

Now It’s Time to DO the “Make A Difference” Process

1. Go to your Facebook. Tell people you’re doing the Life Transformation Process.

And you’re organizing the “Make A Difference” Mastermind and ask/invite/tell all your friends to do the Life Transformation Process with you.

(Technically it’s “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service”, the $2,000 Training you’ve arranged to give your friends so they can do it with you, and benefit from it the same time you’re putting it into practice, over the next 7 days!)

Then send them to and make sure they’re doing “The Process” right along with you!

2. Now – throughout today, be hyper-sensitive to keeping your focus on your Obsessional Desire, and feeling great about empowering it and making it yours.

…Tune in to all the things showing up. Acknowledge that you “Created, Attracted, Manifested and Allowed” those things to ‘happen’ – by using The First Covenant wisely, as all of us are meant to.

3. Just share your observations, experiences, insights – and all the great stuff you’re manifesting… with your Facebook friends.

In each post, remind them this is Day 1 of “Transforming Your Life” at and ask them what they’re experiencing.

(Because, you say, they really need to be doing “Difference” with you, because it’s great; it feels wonderful, knowing you’re part of the Make A Difference Movement that’s transforming the lives of 100 million people – starting with – THEM!!!)

4. Lastly, let everyone know in the Facebook Comments section at the bottom of the Difference Page what inspired you the most from the “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” Training.

Did you allow yourself to get the full “worth 10 times the $2,000 price” measure of value from it yourself?

If you did, mention how much it was worth, and why it is so valuable!

If you did not, then go through it again… and make sure you allow it to serve you – at least that much. Because then it will (that’s exactly what you’ll manifest, empower… and experience!!!)

Thanks much – I’m grateful to you for reaching out and truly Making A Difference to all the people you care about…. And I’m extremely gratified for you allowing this training to serve *YOU* fully!!!


Dan Klatt,
“Think And Grow Rich Guy”
(Personal Growth Society Charter Member)
“Daily Personal Growth” TV Show host
….Serving Your WealthSensei!

Allow this material to "Make A Profound Difference" for you!
If you want to take a break from “Transforming The Lives of Your Facebook Friends… And Yourself” today, you may watch the companion video if you want.

First came the video. Then the manual “spiraled it up” so it had more impact on you and everyone you share it with. Then the audio training sky-rocketed that (as you’ve heard, now that we’ve gone through it!)

You may watch the video here, if you’d like, as a reinforcement bonus (although only do this after you’ve “Made A Difference” to your Facebook Friends today and you’ve gotten them doing the Life Transformation with you and Making A Difference right along with you)…

The video is supplemental material – and we don’t want it to distract us from the 7-Day Process and how much fun we’re all having doing it together!!!

[imaioVideo v=1]
Who else comes to mind that you can “Make A Difference” with, even beyond all your Facebook friends whose lives you’re Transforming by having them do the process with you?

Take a few minutes and email some friends and family personally, offering them the $2,000 “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” Training, and asking them to do the Make A Difference Process with you, starting today.

Each of them will definitely count toward your Commitment to serve all the people you can today, and over these next 7 days!

What other comments or insights from the training do you want to make sure your friends particularly make note of and apply to their lives?

(Go back to Facebook and tell them!)

Keep in mind that each time you’re commenting on what you’re learning and experiencing and doing, and how great it all feels Making A Difference…. by including the link and inviting your friends to be part of your Make A Difference Mastermind…

You’re Making A Difference to every one of your friends who participate.

You can imagine how quickly you’re Making A Difference to 49 people, and easily dozens more, through your repeated comments, insights and observations, throughout today.

…Throughout tomorrow. Throughout Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. And Day 7.


Also do make a point – OFTEN! – to acknowledge how significant this work is that you’re doing, by getting all your Facebook friends joining you in Making A Difference.

Return to “The Vision”, where through you getting all your friends “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service”… and them getting their friends to, as well, and then three and four and five generations of everyone’s friends Making a Global Difference….

You literally are creating something substantial that’s benefiting thousands and hundreds of thousands and millions of people!!!

How amazing and wonderful does that make you feel!?

It’s pretty incredible when you focus on that – and EMPOWER it with strong feelings.

…Knowing that’s what you’re then further creating.

And Making A Difference to that many more people’s lives.

(So go back right now and share how great this feels and how inspired you are, and in doing that, you’re Transforming the Lives of potentially millions more!!!)

You know it!!!

Lastly, make sure we’re all connected.

Let’s become Facebook friends. Follow me on Twitter so I can follow you back. Let’s G+ each other. Same with Pinterest. And LinkedIn. And subscribe to my YouTube channel. We connect through the “Let’s Connect Spa” at the top of the page. 🙂

Remember with everything you’re doing to Make A Difference… Your friends will love you for Sharing The Inspiration, and Transforming Their Lives!!!

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How do you become a wealth magnet?

I just got back from my resort in the “sticks” (deep forest, no cell phone service, 16 miles from a quaint, small tourist town, warnings of not leaving food in your car or you may attract bears) of Arizona.

The first night there an older gentleman started talking with me in the lobby, telling stories of his adventures, and we became friends, even emailing each other now that I’m moving on to other resorts and experiences.

Today he said he would welcome my thoughts on becoming  a wealth magnet, because he became a student of my work, once I left.

I felt that’s something you would be interested in knowing, too, so I’m sharing what I wrote to him about that.

Before I do that, though, please understand that it’s all about “The First Covenant of The Affluent Class”. Everything comes down that, which is another way of saying how important what you are *choosing* to give your attention to, based on what kind of feelings you have, or create, about what you’re focusing on.

Because that determines where you’re giving your power…. and what you’re then going to “Create, Attract, Manifest and Allow” more of.

So as long as you understand the importance of what you’re giving your attention to, I would now invite you to benefit from my concise response to his question about becoming a wealth magnet:

On being a wealth magnet, it’s all about becoming consumed with what you’re passionate about, and your plan to market that service to those people most willing to pay for it, as the solution to their problem. As I mentioned when we sat in the lobby, it’s all about focus, and empowering that focus with positive feelings. When you eat, sleep and live whatever that is, it builds momentum and everything in your life seems to serve and support that. That’s when it all happens very quickly.

How will you apply that to what you’re doing, and putting out there?

What has been your experience with that, previously?

Become aware of how that has played out in your past, so you know what it takes to create what you Desire today.

Then make it happen!

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In Case Of Emergency, Watch This Video ( “Daily Personal Growth Walk”)

“If there’s still a spot left, make sure you’re one of the 20 to at most 24 people joining us live for the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar!”


Think and Grow Rich is credited with creating 1 million millionaires, more than anything else in history… (so far!)

Now it’s your turn to make sure you’re getting the results you expect (and deserve) from this “Success Bible”.

Since I began teaching Think and Grow Rich back in 2003, I’ve become respected as the leading expert in the world on Napoleon Hill’s work.


What Are You Doing to *Celebrate* 12/12/12 This Year?

How would you like to learn and master Think and Grow Rich!?

Not quite three years ago I did a 21-day retreat in a resort on the Strip in Las Vegas where I went through Think and Grow Rich page by page, line by line, word for word.

I wrote down everything you absolutely must know in Think and Grow Rich to experience the promise within its title.

The intention was that this comprehensive training would be eight hours long.

However, it was so “RICH” with important wealth-enhancing and life-changing wisdom that it required 18 hours to give it the treatment it …. and YOU …. deserve!


On 12/12/12 we’re beginning a 3-day seminar where I’m going to take you through all this Timeless Wealth Wisdom that you absolutely need to know to truly Think AND GROW as Rich as you want – and DESERVE – to be.

….In fact, it’s how I’m fulfilling my life purpose, which means everything to me.

My life purpose is to actualize “The Carnegie Vision”.

“The Carnegie Vision”

Quite simply, “The Carnegie Vision” is the greatest legacy of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, today regarded as the second richest person in history.

As a result of “The Carnegie Vision”, the world CAN
Think and Grow Rich.

“The Carnegie Vision” is quite simply that “Everyone has the power to become as wealthy as they desire”.


More specifically, Think and Grow Rich gives you “The Success Philosophy”, those 13 things that Napoleon Hill discovered the 500 richest people in the world do which the masses do not do.

Mr. Hill devoted 25 years of his life studying and becoming great friends with “The Affluent Class” and learning first-hand exactly how they became super-wealthy.

He compiled “The Success Philosophy”, those 13 things they do differently from everyone else, into Think and Grow Rich.

That’s what you’ll be mastering when you join me for three days, concluding this Dec. 12, 2012 in affluent (and sunny and warm in winter!) Scottsdale, Arizona.


Which session, specifically, is “THE ONE” you cannot miss?


“Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar” in Affluent Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 12/12/12

Here’s what you can look forward to experiencing in our
3-day workshop….

Monday, 12/10/12:

  • 9 a.m. – “The First Covenant of The Affluent Class” – This will be the foundation for you living your goals, desires and dreams, using the unlimited power of your mind
  • 10:30 a.m. – “The Starting Point of Your Greatest Achievement” – This workshop where you begin experiencing your heartfelt Desire is more than worth the cost of the full 3-day seminar!
  • Noon – “KNOWING You’ve Manifested Your Heartfelt Desire” – You’ll be on top of the world, with uber-confidence, and laser-focus!
  • 1:30 p.m. – Masterminding Lunch – The connections you make with like-minded Successful People can be worth a fortune, and may last a lifetime.
  • 3 p.m. – “Programming Yourself for TOTAL Success!” – Living your goals, desires and dreams becomes inevitable when you take this part of the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar to heart
  • 4:30 p.m. – “The Specialized Skill You Absolutely Must Have to Reach the Top” – This skill will keep you focused and SKYROCKET your results!

Tuesday, 12/11/12:

  • 9 a.m. – “Using ‘The Laboratory of Your Mind’ to LIVE Anything You Want” – The process I’m going to give you is more powerful than just about anything you’ve ever experienced….. You will *ABSOLUTELY LOVE* using it to manifest (with total certainty IT’S YOURS!) – anything important to you!
  • 10:30 a.m. – “The No-Fail System to Stay On Track And Quickly Fulfill Your Dreams” – This session is “MUST-DO“… having this system in place can be worth an absolute fortune to you!
  • Noon – “The Pivot Between ‘Thinking Rich’ And *GROWING RICH!*” – This session promises to be a pivotal moment for you, one you will look back on and say, “That was The Turning Point when everything changed for me!”
  • 1:30 p.m. – Masterminding Lunch, Part II – Now the connections are deeper and more meaningful. You will likely have several worth tens of thousands of dollars by the end of this special session… maybe one or two worth $100,000 or more.
  • 3 p.m. – “The Secret Key to Breaking Through Anything That Previously Stood in Your Way” – The subtle – yet crucial – mindset shift you will have once we’ve finished this session makes you unstoppable (you will plow right through any and all perceived obstacles – from now on!)
  • 4:30 p.m. – “Accessing The Hidden Forces That Make Everything Happen Quickly for You” – Just as all computers are connected, through the Internet, all people are, through an infinitely more powerful “Super-Conscious Network”, which we’ll be plugging into. (Incredibly VALUABLE!)

Wednesday, 12/12/12:

  • 9 a.m. – “Launching Your Desire Into Manifestation With More Power Than a 10-Megaton Nuclear Warhead” – Stand back when we light the fuse, during this session, because you’ll be able to feel it, tangibly, and it’s got quite the kick!!!
  • 10:30 a.m. – “Forcing Your ‘Inner Power’ to Work Relentlessly, 24-7, Until You’re Living Your Goals, Desires & Dreams” – This faithful servant does not sleep, does not rest, and it’s 9 Times More Powerful than the power you know about and use consciously.
  • Noon – “Giving Your Burning Desire Wings So It Takes Flight” – After this session, your “Goals, Desires & Dreams” will be out there, the right way, and it’s just a matter of anticipating the right people, inspirations and “coincidences” “showing up” to make it yours…. FAST!
  • 1:30 p.m. – “Power-Revelation Mastermind Lunch” – This session will easily be one of your most valuable because it’s where we solidify the most profound ways you’ve benefited from everything we’ve mastered… So Far. You’ll also find someone to hold you accountable for applying your greatest “ah-ha’s” and making sure you’re using them as much as you can.
  • 3 p.m. – “Aligning Your Burning Desire with The Grandest Vision that ‘Infinite Intelligence’ Expects of You” – Here you’ll access the source of Unlimited Power, which wants “The Best” for you, and Will Move Mountains to Make Sure You’re Living “The Best”, when you allow It to. This session will Skyrocket your self-confidence and inner-knowing that you’re meant to have *EVERYTHING* you sincerely Desire!
  • 4:30 p.m. – “Putting It All Together Into Your ‘Power Plan'” – Our “Wrap-Up” Session makes sure you have everything in place to *TAKE ACTION* on everything we’ve learned -and mastered- during our 3-day seminar. This solidifies it and guarantees it’s *THE BEST* thing you’ve ever done for yourself.

After reading through all the session titles and descriptions, you’re probably thinking….

Wow, that all sounds great, Dan
I can see I need to be at your event!”

And yet you’re probably also thinking….

“But I bet it costs a fortune….
I’m not sure I can afford it!”

In fact, you would be wise to think that such a high-caliber life-changing seminar as this is going to require a significant investment on your part.

And, truth be told, just the recordings from the event are going to cost people who didn’t *make the commitment* to be part of the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar – LIVE…. $4,995 during “Pre-Release” and then $7,995 as an Introductory Special, and $9.995 as the regular price.

Because of how much they’re going to transform the lives of everyone taking these insights to heart.

(That amount will be well worth every cent they paid, considering how much of a difference it’s going to have on every single one of the good people who buy – the recordings, from the live event, I promise you.)

 Not to mention the fact that we’re limiting enrollment to only 20 to at most 24 people…. because I need to make sure you and everyone there is getting all your questions answered and that I have time to coach you personally, during the live training.


So you would normally expect to pay $7,995 to join us live for such an intimate, focused Success Gathering, especially one of this magnitude.

However, you can be part of the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar for only….

How Much Will This Knowledge Be Worth To You? (How Ready Are You for This Transformation?)

Asking that question serves you much better than “how much does it cost to be one of the 20-24 allowed to attend?”

An even more powerful question is this:

“How can I *make sure* I’m one of those 20 to at most 24 people?”

Because asking yourself that question focuses your mind, at the Subconscious level, and summons your natural creativity and resourcefulness.

You WILL find “The Way” to make sure you’re one of those 20 to 24 people allowed to be at the “Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar”!

(And you will also allow it to be THE best thing you’ve ever done for yourself, which I promise it will be, the way we’re consciously creating this experience!)

 That way you’re focusing your mind – and therefore empowering – the best results possible for yourself by joining me for this life-changing seminar.

Let’s look at it this way…

You’ve read Think and Grow Rich before, right? (No worries if you haven’t, because you’ll master and begin living it through our 3 days together.)

If you’re like virtually everyone who’s read it, you probably didn’t get much results from going through it.

….Although at the same time, you know it’s credited with creating 1 million millionaires – and you have the inner-knowing it could help you become a millionaire, too…. all by shifting what you’re giving your attention to, and empowering with strong feelings.

That, my friend, is why you want to make sure YOU’RE IN and are with us in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona, on 12/12/12 for the big Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar.

And that is also how it’s going to be the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself, period!

So how much will it cost to join us for this “Must-Do” event!?

Please answer that question yourself, this way, because then I’ll know you’re truly ready for it to be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself and you’re allowing it to be worth an absolute fortune to you….

The Empowered Approach to Go Into This With:

“Whatever it costs is insignificant compared to what I’m going to get out of it. I have the inner-knowing this is something I’ve got to do for myself.

“And I’ve already created the fact that it’s going to be phenomenal for me….

“And pay me back several times what I invested – in all areas, way beyond just financially – every year for the rest of my life!!!”

Your expectations determine your results

That’s one of the key concepts you’re about to master – even *BEFORE* we first meet in Scottsdale this December.

By expecting great things out of joining me and the 19-23 others at this event, and allowing it to serve you fully, you’re “Creating, Attracting, Manifesting and Allowing” exactly that!

(In fact, just our first session at 9 a.m. Monday 12/10 will be worth several multiples of your total investment.

(Because that’s where we’re going to make sure you’re ready – and allowing – the full seminar to be “THE BEST THING” you’ve ever done for yourself.

(We’re actually going to commit to using “The First Covenant”, which you’ll master during that first session, to create that exact result.)

So let me ask you quite simply, this pivotal question:

“Are you willing to allow this to be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself?”

If you are, then please join us. And we’ll make sure it is (you and I both, as well as the 19-23 others joining us in Scottsdale 12/12/12).

If not, then please stay away!

You will likely continue doing what you’ve been doing – although please be honest with yourself and acknowledge that the results you’ve been getting will not improve, either.

…Unless and until you ARE ready to change the way you’re creating your life, using the power we all have

…To live the fulfillment of our “Goals, Desires and Dreams”!

So by reading on, you know there is a source of untapped power within you (and you can’t wait to master the way you’re using it to “Create, Attract, Manifest and Allow” your “Goals, Desires and Dreams”…. starting right away from our first session in the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar, where we tap into it my mastering “The First Covenant”!)

You realize that everything that happens comes down to the simple fact that “What you give your attention to and empower with strong feelings, you create more of”.

And you’re ready to master all 13 things Napoleon Hill discovered from 25 years of studying the 500 richest people in the world that they did differently than the mostly unsuccessful and struggling masses…. within the context of “The First Covenant” (which by the way you may also know of as “The Secret” mentioned in Think and Grow Rich 100 times, without ever revealing what “The Secret” is).

So let’s look at what your investment is, and fully appreciate how much that’s truly worth to you, even starting shortly after you claim one of the – at most – 20 to 24 seats available for the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar.

Each seat costs only $1,997!


You’re Getting $6,997 in Bonuses by Enrolling Today
(If you still can before it’s sold out!)

Within a week from when all 20 to at most 24 seats are sold out (that could happen today… if you’re really serious about and committed to experiencing this, then don’t delay, join NOW!)

  • We’re going to begin doing “The First Covenant 30-Day Immersion”, my pre-eminent high-level training which in fact costs everyone else – $1,997 by itself. Learn more about that here, if you like, although don’t join it there, because you would be paying $1,997 for *JUST* that training, and you would miss out on getting it free, as a bonus, for grabbing one of the last remaining seats at the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar – today!
  • Then a week or two after we’ve all experienced profoundly amazing results from “The First Covenant 30-Day Immersion” we’re actually going to begin doing my 18-hour “Mastering Think And Grow Rich” Video Training. That’s the course I did in the three-week Las Vegas retreat I mentioned earlier. You know, the one that sells for $5,000 right now, because I forgot to raise it to $10,000, which is truly what it’s worth.

You’re going to get that high-end training, also, for free, just to thank you for grabbing one of the last of the 20 to 24 seats at the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar in Scottsdale on 12/12/12…. today.


….One Additional Very Important Bonus!

Also by joining today, you’re going to get one very important additional gift.

As soon as they’re uploaded, you’ll be able to download the videos from the full three-day Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar!!!

(Or, if you didn’t act fast enough and all 20 to at most 24 places were taken by others who were more committed than you to experience the life-transformation this seminar will give them… you still will be able to get these same videos, later, for the full price, which will be on sale for $4,995 for one week, before going up to $7,995 for a few weeks, and then $9,995 at its regular price.)

Here’s a little secret:

Most people doing seminars sell the people there the recordings of the event, before they leave to go home. They know how great it was and want to take it home with them and typically pay several hundred dollars for these recordings.

I wanted to make this such a great deal for you to join us live for the Think And Grow Rich Success Philosophy Seminar that you knew you had to make sure you were there in Beautiful Scottsdale this winter.

That’s why I knew I had to give you the videos, as part of your Early-Bird Bonus Package for everyone joining this week!

In fact, I’m creating the seminar to be so valuable that everyone doing the recordings would feel well-served if they paid $12,000 for them. It’s going to be at least a $10,000 course, even if people can buy it for less, initially, shortly after we finish the training live.

You will, of course, be getting far better results by joining us for the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar live, if you’re able to be one of the 20 to at most 24 people able to join us in Scottsdale before and on 12/12/12.


Joining Us Live Will Be Phenomenal for You!

I’m committed to giving everyone doing the seminar videos so much value they would have been glad to pay $12,000 for those recordings.

When you’re one of those 20-24 people joining us live, you’ll be getting

  • You’ll be getting valuable Prosperity Coaching….
  • You’ll have all your specific questions answered, and most importantly….
  • You’ll be part of “The Experience”, and directly part of “The Power of The Mastermind” (that IS one of the 13 Components of The Success Philosophy” that IS Think and Grow Rich, and you’ll be mastering all 13 during our time together in Beautiful Scottsdale this winter!)


About the other 19 to at most 23 people joining you in Scottsdale…

We’ll also be making powerful masterminds, and even best friends… friendships that will be long-term and even life-long.

Because everyone joining us live will be successful, if not success-minded, these are the exact people you want to have in your personal Mastermind.

These are people who know where they’re going…. and exactly how to get there.

People exactly like you, who are embracing this power we all have within us – and using it each moment to live the fulfillment of our Goals, Desires and Dreams!

They’re the ones you want to have supporting you, focusing their power on YOUR Goals, Desires and Dreams, and helping you live their fulfillment.

(People joining us live just for the Power of The Mastermind will be well-served, even if that’s all they got out of joining us in Scottsdale.)

 In fact, I expect a few of the 20 to at most 24 people allowed to participate – joining us live just for the Mastermind Connections we’ll all be making.


What about an added incentive to
thank you for reserving your seat right now?

Because this is going to be the experience of a lifetime….

And because it’s going to be a video training people would have been grateful to be able to do even if they paid $12,000 for just the recordings….

And because I want to find these 20 to at most 24 people – today – so I can devote my full attention to making this the best experience all 20 to 24 people have ever done for themselves…..

To make sure all 20 to 24 seats are snapped up, immediately….

I’ve set up this order button that allows people to join – TODAY – for $1,000 off, just $997, right here:

Claim Your Seat Now for only $1,997$997

Save $1,000 by reserving your spot today. On Thursday, Aug. 9, the cost will increase to $1,297, and will go up from there (until all 20, or at most 24 seats are taken). It will never be lower than it is right now.

This is your time to join…

Instant Purchase – Even at 2 am

All Major Credit Cards, Paypal, and Online Checks Accepted
Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week


See you in Beautiful, Affluent, Sunny and Warm Scottsdale…. this 12/12/12 (this winter!)

“Warmly” 🙂

Dan Klatt,
“Think And Grow Rich Guy”
Founder of the CarnegieCentre

….Serving as Your WealthSensei!

P.S.  I have to give you one more bonus, which will “Seal the Deal” that this is the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself.

To make sure you grab one of the last 20 to at-most 24 spots before we’re completely sold out, you will also be getting Lifetime Access to my Private Coaching Membership.

Although if you wanted to get private on-one-one coaching from me, you would have to pay my regular fees of $3,500 an hour, you’re actually able to get Unlimited Prosperity Coaching from me personally, as often as you’d like, for just $39 a month.

That’s a great deal by itself, just $468 a year!

However over the course of even just 4 years, this bonus alone will save you $1,872…. almost as much as people enrolling in the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar live will be investing for their tickets (if any tickets are left after this week).

Think about your Unlimited Coaching Membership this way:

For years after you’ve mastered Think and Grow Rich and The Success Philosophy it’s based on, you’ll still be getting as much prosperity coaching as you’d like, from me personally….

To make sure you’re living the fulfillment of your Burning Desire, too!

How much will that be worth to you…. in all areas of your life!? (Priceless!)

That’s *HUGE* that long after the seminar ends, we’re still going to be “learning and growing and becoming more” – together… and continuing our Mastermind Connection as a group, through your Unlimited Coaching Membership!!!


PPS. Let’s do a quick review of all your bonuses, to make sure you’re claiming one of the last of the 20 to at-most 24 spots at the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar right now.

These are your Fast-Action Bonuses, worth $18,864:

  • “The First Covenant 30-Day Immersion” – We’re beginning this intense focus on “The Power” you have to create whatever you Desire, about a week after all 20-24 seats are taken (should be this week). Sells for $1,997
  • “Mastering Think And Grow Rich” Video Training – These 18+ hours of videos give you everything you need to know to truly Think AND GROW Rich. This training is going to cost $10,000; it would right now, although I forgot to raise it from $5,000 (it’s truly worth enough to justify the $10,000 price tag).
  • Downloads of the entire Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar – We’re creating these recordings to sell as a home-study training, costing $9,995, and quite possibly $12,000.
  • Lifetime Access to the Unlimited Coaching Membership – Here’s where we’re going to continue to hold each other accountable to living the fulfillment of our Goals, Desires and Dreams, and keep up the Mastermind Connection and deep friendships we’ve made during our time together in Scottsdale (regularly costs $468/year, or $1,872 over the first 4 years)

Claim Your Seat Now for only $1,997$997

Save $1,000 by reserving your spot today. On Thursday, Aug. 9, the cost will increase to $1,297, and will go up from there (until all 20, or at most 24 seats are taken). It will never be lower than it is right now.

This is your time to join…

Instant Purchase – Even at 2 am

All Major Credit Cards, Paypal, and Online Checks Accepted
Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

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Controlling Your Thoughts And Feelings ( “Daily Personal Growth Walk”)

“If there’s still a spot left, make sure you’re one of the 20 to at most 24 people joining us live for the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar!”


Think and Grow Rich is credited with creating 1 million millionaires, more than anything else in history… (so far!)

Now it’s your turn to make sure you’re getting the results you expect (and deserve) from this “Success Bible”.

Since I began teaching Think and Grow Rich back in 2003, I’ve become respected as the leading expert in the world on Napoleon Hill’s work.


What Are You Doing to *Celebrate* 12/12/12 This Year?

How would you like to learn and master Think and Grow Rich!?

Not quite three years ago I did a 21-day retreat in a resort on the Strip in Las Vegas where I went through Think and Grow Rich page by page, line by line, word for word.

I wrote down everything you absolutely must know in Think and Grow Rich to experience the promise within its title.

The intention was that this comprehensive training would be eight hours long.

However, it was so “RICH” with important wealth-enhancing and life-changing wisdom that it required 18 hours to give it the treatment it …. and YOU …. deserve!


On 12/12/12 we’re beginning a 3-day seminar where I’m going to take you through all this Timeless Wealth Wisdom that you absolutely need to know to truly Think AND GROW as Rich as you want – and DESERVE – to be.

….In fact, it’s how I’m fulfilling my life purpose, which means everything to me.

My life purpose is to actualize “The Carnegie Vision”.

“The Carnegie Vision”

Quite simply, “The Carnegie Vision” is the greatest legacy of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, today regarded as the second richest person in history.

As a result of “The Carnegie Vision”, the world CAN
Think and Grow Rich.

“The Carnegie Vision” is quite simply that “Everyone has the power to become as wealthy as they desire”.


More specifically, Think and Grow Rich gives you “The Success Philosophy”, those 13 things that Napoleon Hill discovered the 500 richest people in the world do which the masses do not do.

Mr. Hill devoted 25 years of his life studying and becoming great friends with “The Affluent Class” and learning first-hand exactly how they became super-wealthy.

He compiled “The Success Philosophy”, those 13 things they do differently from everyone else, into Think and Grow Rich.

That’s what you’ll be mastering when you join me for three days, concluding this Dec. 12, 2012 in affluent (and sunny and warm in winter!) Scottsdale, Arizona.


Which session, specifically, is “THE ONE” you cannot miss?


“Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar” in Affluent Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 12/12/12

Here’s what you can look forward to experiencing in our
3-day workshop….

Monday, 12/10/12:

  • 9 a.m. – “The First Covenant of The Affluent Class” – This will be the foundation for you living your goals, desires and dreams, using the unlimited power of your mind
  • 10:30 a.m. – “The Starting Point of Your Greatest Achievement” – This workshop where you begin experiencing your heartfelt Desire is more than worth the cost of the full 3-day seminar!
  • Noon – “KNOWING You’ve Manifested Your Heartfelt Desire” – You’ll be on top of the world, with uber-confidence, and laser-focus!
  • 1:30 p.m. – Masterminding Lunch – The connections you make with like-minded Successful People can be worth a fortune, and may last a lifetime.
  • 3 p.m. – “Programming Yourself for TOTAL Success!” – Living your goals, desires and dreams becomes inevitable when you take this part of the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar to heart
  • 4:30 p.m. – “The Specialized Skill You Absolutely Must Have to Reach the Top” – This skill will keep you focused and SKYROCKET your results!

Tuesday, 12/11/12:

  • 9 a.m. – “Using ‘The Laboratory of Your Mind’ to LIVE Anything You Want” – The process I’m going to give you is more powerful than just about anything you’ve ever experienced….. You will *ABSOLUTELY LOVE* using it to manifest (with total certainty IT’S YOURS!) – anything important to you!
  • 10:30 a.m. – “The No-Fail System to Stay On Track And Quickly Fulfill Your Dreams” – This session is “MUST-DO“… having this system in place can be worth an absolute fortune to you!
  • Noon – “The Pivot Between ‘Thinking Rich’ And *GROWING RICH!*” – This session promises to be a pivotal moment for you, one you will look back on and say, “That was The Turning Point when everything changed for me!”
  • 1:30 p.m. – Masterminding Lunch, Part II – Now the connections are deeper and more meaningful. You will likely have several worth tens of thousands of dollars by the end of this special session… maybe one or two worth $100,000 or more.
  • 3 p.m. – “The Secret Key to Breaking Through Anything That Previously Stood in Your Way” – The subtle – yet crucial – mindset shift you will have once we’ve finished this session makes you unstoppable (you will plow right through any and all perceived obstacles – from now on!)
  • 4:30 p.m. – “Accessing The Hidden Forces That Make Everything Happen Quickly for You” – Just as all computers are connected, through the Internet, all people are, through an infinitely more powerful “Super-Conscious Network”, which we’ll be plugging into. (Incredibly VALUABLE!)

Wednesday, 12/12/12:

  • 9 a.m. – “Launching Your Desire Into Manifestation With More Power Than a 10-Megaton Nuclear Warhead” – Stand back when we light the fuse, during this session, because you’ll be able to feel it, tangibly, and it’s got quite the kick!!!
  • 10:30 a.m. – “Forcing Your ‘Inner Power’ to Work Relentlessly, 24-7, Until You’re Living Your Goals, Desires & Dreams” – This faithful servant does not sleep, does not rest, and it’s 9 Times More Powerful than the power you know about and use consciously.
  • Noon – “Giving Your Burning Desire Wings So It Takes Flight” – After this session, your “Goals, Desires & Dreams” will be out there, the right way, and it’s just a matter of anticipating the right people, inspirations and “coincidences” “showing up” to make it yours…. FAST!
  • 1:30 p.m. – “Power-Revelation Mastermind Lunch” – This session will easily be one of your most valuable because it’s where we solidify the most profound ways you’ve benefited from everything we’ve mastered… So Far. You’ll also find someone to hold you accountable for applying your greatest “ah-ha’s” and making sure you’re using them as much as you can.
  • 3 p.m. – “Aligning Your Burning Desire with The Grandest Vision that ‘Infinite Intelligence’ Expects of You” – Here you’ll access the source of Unlimited Power, which wants “The Best” for you, and Will Move Mountains to Make Sure You’re Living “The Best”, when you allow It to. This session will Skyrocket your self-confidence and inner-knowing that you’re meant to have *EVERYTHING* you sincerely Desire!
  • 4:30 p.m. – “Putting It All Together Into Your ‘Power Plan'” – Our “Wrap-Up” Session makes sure you have everything in place to *TAKE ACTION* on everything we’ve learned -and mastered- during our 3-day seminar. This solidifies it and guarantees it’s *THE BEST* thing you’ve ever done for yourself.

After reading through all the session titles and descriptions, you’re probably thinking….

Wow, that all sounds great, Dan
I can see I need to be at your event!”

And yet you’re probably also thinking….

“But I bet it costs a fortune….
I’m not sure I can afford it!”

In fact, you would be wise to think that such a high-caliber life-changing seminar as this is going to require a significant investment on your part.

And, truth be told, just the recordings from the event are going to cost people who didn’t *make the commitment* to be part of the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar – LIVE…. $4,995 during “Pre-Release” and then $7,995 as an Introductory Special, and $9.995 as the regular price.

Because of how much they’re going to transform the lives of everyone taking these insights to heart.

(That amount will be well worth every cent they paid, considering how much of a difference it’s going to have on every single one of the good people who buy – the recordings, from the live event, I promise you.)

 Not to mention the fact that we’re limiting enrollment to only 20 to at most 24 people…. because I need to make sure you and everyone there is getting all your questions answered and that I have time to coach you personally, during the live training.


So you would normally expect to pay $7,995 to join us live for such an intimate, focused Success Gathering, especially one of this magnitude.

However, you can be part of the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar for only….

How Much Will This Knowledge Be Worth To You? (How Ready Are You for This Transformation?)

Asking that question serves you much better than “how much does it cost to be one of the 20-24 allowed to attend?”

An even more powerful question is this:

“How can I *make sure* I’m one of those 20 to at most 24 people?”

Because asking yourself that question focuses your mind, at the Subconscious level, and summons your natural creativity and resourcefulness.

You WILL find “The Way” to make sure you’re one of those 20 to 24 people allowed to be at the “Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar”!

(And you will also allow it to be THE best thing you’ve ever done for yourself, which I promise it will be, the way we’re consciously creating this experience!)

 That way you’re focusing your mind – and therefore empowering – the best results possible for yourself by joining me for this life-changing seminar.

Let’s look at it this way…

You’ve read Think and Grow Rich before, right? (No worries if you haven’t, because you’ll master and begin living it through our 3 days together.)

If you’re like virtually everyone who’s read it, you probably didn’t get much results from going through it.

….Although at the same time, you know it’s credited with creating 1 million millionaires – and you have the inner-knowing it could help you become a millionaire, too…. all by shifting what you’re giving your attention to, and empowering with strong feelings.

That, my friend, is why you want to make sure YOU’RE IN and are with us in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona, on 12/12/12 for the big Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar.

And that is also how it’s going to be the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself, period!

So how much will it cost to join us for this “Must-Do” event!?

Please answer that question yourself, this way, because then I’ll know you’re truly ready for it to be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself and you’re allowing it to be worth an absolute fortune to you….

The Empowered Approach to Go Into This With:

“Whatever it costs is insignificant compared to what I’m going to get out of it. I have the inner-knowing this is something I’ve got to do for myself.

“And I’ve already created the fact that it’s going to be phenomenal for me….

“And pay me back several times what I invested – in all areas, way beyond just financially – every year for the rest of my life!!!”

Your expectations determine your results

That’s one of the key concepts you’re about to master – even *BEFORE* we first meet in Scottsdale this December.

By expecting great things out of joining me and the 19-23 others at this event, and allowing it to serve you fully, you’re “Creating, Attracting, Manifesting and Allowing” exactly that!

(In fact, just our first session at 9 a.m. Monday 12/10 will be worth several multiples of your total investment.

(Because that’s where we’re going to make sure you’re ready – and allowing – the full seminar to be “THE BEST THING” you’ve ever done for yourself.

(We’re actually going to commit to using “The First Covenant”, which you’ll master during that first session, to create that exact result.)

So let me ask you quite simply, this pivotal question:

“Are you willing to allow this to be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself?”

If you are, then please join us. And we’ll make sure it is (you and I both, as well as the 19-23 others joining us in Scottsdale 12/12/12).

If not, then please stay away!

You will likely continue doing what you’ve been doing – although please be honest with yourself and acknowledge that the results you’ve been getting will not improve, either.

…Unless and until you ARE ready to change the way you’re creating your life, using the power we all have

…To live the fulfillment of our “Goals, Desires and Dreams”!

So by reading on, you know there is a source of untapped power within you (and you can’t wait to master the way you’re using it to “Create, Attract, Manifest and Allow” your “Goals, Desires and Dreams”…. starting right away from our first session in the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar, where we tap into it my mastering “The First Covenant”!)

You realize that everything that happens comes down to the simple fact that “What you give your attention to and empower with strong feelings, you create more of”.

And you’re ready to master all 13 things Napoleon Hill discovered from 25 years of studying the 500 richest people in the world that they did differently than the mostly unsuccessful and struggling masses…. within the context of “The First Covenant” (which by the way you may also know of as “The Secret” mentioned in Think and Grow Rich 100 times, without ever revealing what “The Secret” is).

So let’s look at what your investment is, and fully appreciate how much that’s truly worth to you, even starting shortly after you claim one of the – at most – 20 to 24 seats available for the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar.

Each seat costs only $1,997!


You’re Getting $6,997 in Bonuses by Enrolling Today
(If you still can before it’s sold out!)

Within a week from when all 20 to at most 24 seats are sold out (that could happen today… if you’re really serious about and committed to experiencing this, then don’t delay, join NOW!)

  • We’re going to begin doing “The First Covenant 30-Day Immersion”, my pre-eminent high-level training which in fact costs everyone else – $1,997 by itself. Learn more about that here, if you like, although don’t join it there, because you would be paying $1,997 for *JUST* that training, and you would miss out on getting it free, as a bonus, for grabbing one of the last remaining seats at the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar – today!
  • Then a week or two after we’ve all experienced profoundly amazing results from “The First Covenant 30-Day Immersion” we’re actually going to begin doing my 18-hour “Mastering Think And Grow Rich” Video Training. That’s the course I did in the three-week Las Vegas retreat I mentioned earlier. You know, the one that sells for $5,000 right now, because I forgot to raise it to $10,000, which is truly what it’s worth.

You’re going to get that high-end training, also, for free, just to thank you for grabbing one of the last of the 20 to 24 seats at the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar in Scottsdale on 12/12/12…. today.


….One Additional Very Important Bonus!

Also by joining today, you’re going to get one very important additional gift.

As soon as they’re uploaded, you’ll be able to download the videos from the full three-day Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar!!!

(Or, if you didn’t act fast enough and all 20 to at most 24 places were taken by others who were more committed than you to experience the life-transformation this seminar will give them… you still will be able to get these same videos, later, for the full price, which will be on sale for $4,995 for one week, before going up to $7,995 for a few weeks, and then $9,995 at its regular price.)

Here’s a little secret:

Most people doing seminars sell the people there the recordings of the event, before they leave to go home. They know how great it was and want to take it home with them and typically pay several hundred dollars for these recordings.

I wanted to make this such a great deal for you to join us live for the Think And Grow Rich Success Philosophy Seminar that you knew you had to make sure you were there in Beautiful Scottsdale this winter.

That’s why I knew I had to give you the videos, as part of your Early-Bird Bonus Package for everyone joining this week!

In fact, I’m creating the seminar to be so valuable that everyone doing the recordings would feel well-served if they paid $12,000 for them. It’s going to be at least a $10,000 course, even if people can buy it for less, initially, shortly after we finish the training live.

You will, of course, be getting far better results by joining us for the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar live, if you’re able to be one of the 20 to at most 24 people able to join us in Scottsdale before and on 12/12/12.


Joining Us Live Will Be Phenomenal for You!

I’m committed to giving everyone doing the seminar videos so much value they would have been glad to pay $12,000 for those recordings.

When you’re one of those 20-24 people joining us live, you’ll be getting

  • You’ll be getting valuable Prosperity Coaching….
  • You’ll have all your specific questions answered, and most importantly….
  • You’ll be part of “The Experience”, and directly part of “The Power of The Mastermind” (that IS one of the 13 Components of The Success Philosophy” that IS Think and Grow Rich, and you’ll be mastering all 13 during our time together in Beautiful Scottsdale this winter!)


About the other 19 to at most 23 people joining you in Scottsdale…

We’ll also be making powerful masterminds, and even best friends… friendships that will be long-term and even life-long.

Because everyone joining us live will be successful, if not success-minded, these are the exact people you want to have in your personal Mastermind.

These are people who know where they’re going…. and exactly how to get there.

People exactly like you, who are embracing this power we all have within us – and using it each moment to live the fulfillment of our Goals, Desires and Dreams!

They’re the ones you want to have supporting you, focusing their power on YOUR Goals, Desires and Dreams, and helping you live their fulfillment.

(People joining us live just for the Power of The Mastermind will be well-served, even if that’s all they got out of joining us in Scottsdale.)

 In fact, I expect a few of the 20 to at most 24 people allowed to participate – joining us live just for the Mastermind Connections we’ll all be making.


What about an added incentive to
thank you for reserving your seat right now?

Because this is going to be the experience of a lifetime….

And because it’s going to be a video training people would have been grateful to be able to do even if they paid $12,000 for just the recordings….

And because I want to find these 20 to at most 24 people – today – so I can devote my full attention to making this the best experience all 20 to 24 people have ever done for themselves…..

To make sure all 20 to 24 seats are snapped up, immediately….

I’ve set up this order button that allows people to join – TODAY – for $1,000 off, just $997, right here:

Claim Your Seat Now for only $1,997$997

Save $1,000 by reserving your spot today. On Thursday, Aug. 9, the cost will increase to $1,297, and will go up from there (until all 20, or at most 24 seats are taken). It will never be lower than it is right now.

This is your time to join…

Instant Purchase – Even at 2 am

All Major Credit Cards, Paypal, and Online Checks Accepted
Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week


See you in Beautiful, Affluent, Sunny and Warm Scottsdale…. this 12/12/12 (this winter!)

“Warmly” 🙂

Dan Klatt,
“Think And Grow Rich Guy”
Founder of the CarnegieCentre

….Serving as Your WealthSensei!

P.S.  I have to give you one more bonus, which will “Seal the Deal” that this is the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself.

To make sure you grab one of the last 20 to at-most 24 spots before we’re completely sold out, you will also be getting Lifetime Access to my Private Coaching Membership.

Although if you wanted to get private on-one-one coaching from me, you would have to pay my regular fees of $3,500 an hour, you’re actually able to get Unlimited Prosperity Coaching from me personally, as often as you’d like, for just $39 a month.

That’s a great deal by itself, just $468 a year!

However over the course of even just 4 years, this bonus alone will save you $1,872…. almost as much as people enrolling in the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar live will be investing for their tickets (if any tickets are left after this week).

Think about your Unlimited Coaching Membership this way:

For years after you’ve mastered Think and Grow Rich and The Success Philosophy it’s based on, you’ll still be getting as much prosperity coaching as you’d like, from me personally….

To make sure you’re living the fulfillment of your Burning Desire, too!

How much will that be worth to you…. in all areas of your life!? (Priceless!)

That’s *HUGE* that long after the seminar ends, we’re still going to be “learning and growing and becoming more” – together… and continuing our Mastermind Connection as a group, through your Unlimited Coaching Membership!!!


PPS. Let’s do a quick review of all your bonuses, to make sure you’re claiming one of the last of the 20 to at-most 24 spots at the Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar right now.

These are your Fast-Action Bonuses, worth $18,864:

  • “The First Covenant 30-Day Immersion” – We’re beginning this intense focus on “The Power” you have to create whatever you Desire, about a week after all 20-24 seats are taken (should be this week). Sells for $1,997
  • “Mastering Think And Grow Rich” Video Training – These 18+ hours of videos give you everything you need to know to truly Think AND GROW Rich. This training is going to cost $10,000; it would right now, although I forgot to raise it from $5,000 (it’s truly worth enough to justify the $10,000 price tag).
  • Downloads of the entire Think And Grow Rich – Success Philosophy Seminar – We’re creating these recordings to sell as a home-study training, costing $9,995, and quite possibly $12,000.
  • Lifetime Access to the Unlimited Coaching Membership – Here’s where we’re going to continue to hold each other accountable to living the fulfillment of our Goals, Desires and Dreams, and keep up the Mastermind Connection and deep friendships we’ve made during our time together in Scottsdale (regularly costs $468/year, or $1,872 over the first 4 years)

Claim Your Seat Now for only $1,997$997

Save $1,000 by reserving your spot today. On Thursday, Aug. 9, the cost will increase to $1,297, and will go up from there (until all 20, or at most 24 seats are taken). It will never be lower than it is right now.

This is your time to join…

Instant Purchase – Even at 2 am

All Major Credit Cards, Paypal, and Online Checks Accepted
Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

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