Hi Friends,
We’ve been talking a lot about “The First Covenant” (if you haven’t read that post, make sure you do – the comments, and my in-depth replies, are quite valuable in the way you’re creating your life!) lately.
How aware are you of what you’ve been focusing on, and empowering with strong feelings?
It’s a really important question to think about, because whatever that is becomes what you’re causing more of.
For example think about most people.
Probably during the day they’re quietly grumbling about the jobs they feel don’t pay them enough or don’t satisfy them and they’re just feeling “I wish I didn’t have to be here”.
Then they’re battling traffic and perhaps even complaining about that, or they’re half tuning out and driving on autopilot.
When they get home, then they might tune on the news, or TV in general – which does an excellent job of focusing people’s attention for them, and directing their emotions, so they’re getting angry, upset, and scared, about all the things the news producers selected for that purpose –
To get people upset about, so they would stay tuned in, so the station could show that many more eyeballs to its advertisers.
Go back and get “The First Covenant” in your mind, if it’s not there already.
Now re-examine what TV does to people.
What does it do? It gets people focusing mostly on what they don’t want, and empowering that with strong feelings.
What happens as a result of that? You’re right – it causes them to experience more things they don’t want.
Considering that’s how things work, let’s look at what you specifically are manifesting.
Are you keeping your attention on “what gives you joy, inspires you and moves you closer to your goals, desires and dreams”?
Because those things you feel great about, and by giving them your undivided attention, they are what you’re then empowering – and creating more of!
Or if you’re like a leaf blowing in the wind (like most people who never gave this life-changing question much thought, or any attention)….
Then you’re probably experiencing a few things you want, a few you don’t want, and a lot of things in between.
That’s not the recipe for success, happiness, fulfillment and making a difference to others (which is the reason we’re all here, to be of service as much as we can).
What do you need to do to take control of your life – and consciously choose to give none of your power to anything that does not serve you…. and to keep your focus firmly within only those things that *NEED* your undivided attention, such as your life-long dream!?
Really think about that, because it’s obviously a really important question to wrap your head around.
Then post your answer below.
Your insights can be helpful to more people.
This is the time for you to start living the fulfillment of your greatest Desire!
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