How to Become a Goal-Achieving Madman

Because I am so moved, and touched, by all the support you’re giving to others by doing your best to help the Personal Growth Revolution spread to 1 billion people in 1 year….

I felt moved to do something extra special to serve you, significantly!

Let me ask you this….

“What’s the one thing missing that’s preventing you from having *everything* you Desire?”

        In a word, it’s…


Watch this video if you’re interested, because I’m going to show you the inside of “How To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman”, the package you can get if you want it, on this page, for a substantial discount.

[pvm_video player=”youtube” url=”” width=”560″ height=”315″]

I’m sincerely giving you something I think will be major for you to go through, and I’ve made it easy for anyone genuinely ready to better themselves to have the “Madman” Package.

Also, 20% of your very small investment will go directly to the Personal Growth Foundation, which provides the best Personal Growth trainings to whoever needs them, without regard to income.

You’ve made the commitment to doing all you can to “learn and grow and become a better person” yourself. And to helping others grow, as well, by spreading the Personal Growth Revolution.

You’ve already done that.

Now I’m asking you to please give a few dollars so we can raise money for the Personal Growth Revolution, allowing it to help anyone who needs a hand, to create whatever life they Desire, whether they have any money or not.

Your small investment will also help us touch more lives through the Personal Growth Revolution, and will allow me to serve you that much better!

Scroll through this page (or just watch the video to see the download page and how comprehensive that is)….

And ask yourself whether it would be worth the small price to have everything I’m offering –

To help you, for sure, and to raise a lot of needed money for the Personal Growth Foundation, to help thousands of others live better lives, as well!

This package will help you become aware of how powerful you are…. and show you how to use that power that you’re meant to consciously direct on what’s within you to have…. (your “Seed Desire”, which you have because you’re meant to experience its fulfillment).

 As you saw in the video, fully 20% of the money we make from everyone bettering themselves goes directly to the Personal Growth Foundation, to make sure everyone can “learn and grow and better themselves”, without regard to income.

Your full “Goal-Achieving Madman” Package – right now – is just $7.97, at any time it can revert back to the regular price of $49.95. Get it now!

Which of the eight parts of the full package can you Imagine having the greatest impact on you right now…..


“How To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman” (Normally $37)

How To Be A Goal-Achieving MadmanYou deserve to have the things you Desire.

In fact, you’re meant to have them, because they were given to you by the Divine!

As you’re becoming a
Goal-Achieving Madman or Madwoman, we first develop the Mindset of a Winner within you.

Then we empower you to achieve more than you dreamed was possible.

….Before we get you knocking off one goal after another, without even questioning it or giving it a lot of thought.

Because it’s almost happening automatically!

These are some of the great things you’ll discover once you’re a Goal-Achieving Madman/Madwoman….


Download "How to Be a Goal-Achieving Madman"


  • (Allowing This Report to Be Your Major Turning Point, Too!)
  • How Knowing “The First Covenant” Gives You The Power to Create Anything You Desire
  • Why Most People Fail to Achieve Their Dreams (And How to Innoculate Yourself from Ever Failing Again!)
  • Accepting You Deserve the Things You Want; No Longer Under-Estimating Your True Worth and Value
  • The “Instant Confidence” Exercise
  • Embodying the Key to Accomplishing Great Things
  • The Careful Art of Challenging Yourself to Become More (Without Accidentally Empowering Failure!)
  • Settling for Nothing Less Than Total Victory!
  • How Do You Know What To Give Your Attention To? (The Answer Is A Catchy Mantra You’ll Love; See Page 9)
  • Knowing with Absolute Certainty We’re Making It Happen!
  • The Difference Between Us… and the Unsuccessful Masses
  • How to Face Any Challenge Head-On
  • Using the “What If?” Game to Empower You to Live That “What If” Life You’re Imagining and Desiring
  • Learning to Trust Your Intuition – It’s There to Get You to Your Goals the Fastest Way Possible
  • Gaining Leverage and Momentum by Appreciating a Simple Goal You Achieve Every Day
  • Recognizing (With Several Examples) That You’re *ALREADY* a Goal-Achieving Madman/Madwoman!
  • How YOU Convey to Your Subconscious Mind, “I Am A Winner” (And How Most People Empower The Opposite Message)
  • Detailed Case-Study: Finding New Love


“How Absolutely Anyone Can Eliminate The Debilitating Influence of a Negative Mindset” (Normally $17)

How Absolutely Anyone Can Eliminate The Debilitating Influence of a Negative MindsetWithout even realizing it, you might have unconsciously picked up a negative mindset, probably when you were a child.

If things seem to not always be going your way, that tells me we should look at your thought patterns, as well as the people who influence you the most.

These are some of the ways this report will serve you….

Download "How Absolutely Anyone Can Eliminate The Debilitating Influence of a Negative Mindset"


  • The 2 Most Common Kinds of Negative People
  • How People “Learn” to Worry About Money (You Can UNLEARN It Once You Read This Section)
  • Avoiding the Situations That Trigger Negative Thoughts
  • Preventing Negative Thoughts From Stealing Your Power
  • Making The Decision to Be Happy, And Positive
  • Removing the Negative People and Situations In Your Life
  • The Positive Way of Responding to Negative Criticism
  • The Secret to Quieting Your Mind And Regaining Control of Your Emotions
  • Getting Others to Respond Positively to You (Even When You’re Not Really Feeling Positive!)


“Spring-Boarding Failure Into Rapid Success” (Normally $17)

Spring-Boarding Failure Into Rapid SuccessWe’ve all struggled at times, or even experienced dismal failures or disasters.

It’s not what happened that’s important, it’s how you responded to those situations – and how you grew as a person that matters.

The great thing is that even if you previously just suppressed the hurt, self-doubt, or other feelings associated with that event, you’re still able to pluck the positive purpose for going through it – the pearl within the oyster – even years later.

Through this report, we show you how to do that, and in fact use any obstacles or challenges to propel you further ahead, more quickly than you otherwise would have gone.

Which of the following sections can you Imagine being the most valuable to you?

Download "Spring-Boarding Failure Into Rapid Success" Now


  • “Goal-Achieving Madman/Madwoman” Review
  • “Failure: A Pre-Requisite for Success”
  • “Failures Keep You Strong and Wake You Up”
  • “Failures Make Winning Taste Sweeter”
  • “Failures As Teacher” (this section is worth the full $49.95 cost of the “Madman Package” – Do study it carefully!)
  • “How to Deal With Your Own Failures Constructively”
    – Apologize for the Mistake
    –  Find a Solution Quickly
    – Keep It Positive
    – Learn from Your Mistakes
    – Do Not Dwell on It
    – Request Feedback
  • “Overcoming Failures With The Right Mindset”
  • “Make Your Own Luck”
  • “Don’t Be A Slave To Work”
  • “Work Does Not Have To Be WORK”
  • “Go Beyond Your Limits”


“How To Have Anything You Want” (Normally $17)

How To Have Anything You WantNow that we’re ramped up and hitting one goal after another, staying focused and consciously directing our attention on what best serves us…

It’s time to add a few esoteric practices, or at least play with them and see whether you like them or not 🙂

It’s also the right time to increase the power you have within you, and access it more effectively, consciously.

Which of the topics in this manual can you see yourself getting the most from?

Download "How To Have Anything You Want" Now


  • What If You Don’t Believe in This “Mind Power” Stuff? Will It Still Work?
  • How Affirmations Draw Out Your True Inner-Strength
  • The Sure-Fire Way to Prevent Doubt from Squashing What You’re Manifesting
  • Guidelines for Writing Eye-Popping Wealth and Health Affirmations, with Several Examples
  • The Key to Empowering Your Visualizations
  • How to Prevent Negative Thoughts from Raining on Your Creative Visualization
  • How Does the Law of Attraction Fit In With Your Manifesting Process?
  • The One Characteristic Required to Control Your Visualizations
  • Using Your Body to Amplify the Power of Your Visualizations
  • How to “Erase and Replace” Any Last Negative Thoughts and Programs that Otherwise May Have Prevented You from Having What You Want


“The Abundance Manifestation Program” (Normally $17)

The Abundance Manifestation ProgramThe next step to your
Goal-Achieving Mastery is to become a “Master of Manifestation”.

First we identify the places in your life with something missing, and this section is nothing like what you think.

We look at your life holistically, as well as your place in the community.

Then once we’ve found those areas where something was lacking, we attract those missing pieces.

Specifically we call into play all 7 Laws of Attraction – (Bet you thought there was only “the law”, right!?)

Let’s look closer at what we’ll be going through when you give yourself the full “Goal-Achieving Madman” Package.


Download "The Abundance Manifestation Program" Now


  • Defining Abundance in Terms of Contentment
  • Are You “Working to Live”, or “Living to Work”?
  • How Does Your Social Well-Being Affect Your Prosperity?
  • Identifying Your Abundant Nature and Welcoming Opportunity
  • What People Forget: Abundance Starts with Taking Care of Themselves
  • How Mental Well-Being Affects Our Physical and Financial Health
  • Preventing Negative Emotions from Taking Over
  • Applying the 7 Laws of Attraction
  • Feeling Grateful Leads to a Life Worthy of Being Grateful for
  • Distinguishing Between the 5 Types of Affirmations


“How To Get 48 Hours of Productive Work Done Each Day” (Normally $17)

How To Get 48 Hours of Productive Work Done Each DayThe last area for us to improve is how effectively we’re guarding and protecting the one asset we have only a limited quantity of – our time.

Take a minute and be honest with yourself: How much time do you waste in any given day?

Even during “work times”, are you focusing 100% of your attention on the one thing you need to get done, and you’re giving that one thing everything you’ve got… until it’s done?

Or are you looking at it, then checking your email, then clicking on a web site, then texting your friend, getting something to eat, and on and on…. and that top priority gets pushed further back until two hours later you wonder where the day went and think “oh yeah, I had to get that done”!?

If you can relate to that at all, then study this information closely, because it’s time to begin carefully managing your work day.

These are some of the highlights of this training that could make a substantial difference in how productive you are….


Download "How To Get 48 Hours of Productive Work Done Each Day" Now


  • How Unchecked Procrastination Leads to Stress and Eventually Health Problems
  • This Specific Form of Inaccurate Thinking May Be Sabotaging Your Effectiveness and Stealing Hours from You Each Week
  • Balancing the “Fear-Desire” Equation to Make Things Happen Quickly
  • The Underlying Root Ailment That Can Steal Your Productivity (And How To Protect Yourself from Its Damaging Influence)
  • Are You a Perfectionist? We’ll Talk About How That Can Hurt Your Productivity
  • 8 Subtle Ways You May Be Procrastinating Without Realizing It

Because my focus is on serving you in a major way – and on raising as much money as possible for the Personal Growth Foundation, by getting it today, for only $7.97 instead of the regular price of $49.95, you will also be getting….

“The Day 0 Restart” Video Training (Normally $97)

Day 0 Restart Video TrainingThis component of our “Goal-Achieving Madman Package” delivers tremendous value.

In fact, it’s part of my foundational “Hard-Wiring Your Brain For Massive Success” Program that costs $1,297.

Through it, you will become a new person, one who’s focused, on purpose, inspired, motivated…. And On Fire!!!

Begin "The Day 0 Restart" Now!


  • Begin committing 100% to the most important thing for you to focus on
  • Discover what that seed thought within you is, seeking expression through your life
  • Gain an intuitive appreciation of “The First Covenant”, which IS “The Secret” mentioned more than 100 times in Think and Grow Rich (99% miss this!)
  • Skyrocket your “Seed Thought” into a Desire… Burning Desire… The White Heat of Desire…. until IT takes YOU over – as your Obsessional Desire! (This becomes so powerful you can *feel* it!)


Other ways you’ll benefit from our “Day 0 Restart”:

  • Keeping “The Focus” for 30 Days When It Becomes Automatic (The Commitment becomes easy)
  • Reaching that “All-Critical Threshold of Manifestation” with your Obsessional Desire,
    when it begins happening very quickly
  • Turning “Hard-Wiring Your Brain For Massive Success into 5-Figures a Month


“How To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman… The Lost Chapter” (Worth $12)

How To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman… The Lost ChapterWe still had quite a lot of valuable information to cover yet in the “Madman” book.

Except we reached the point where you went through a profound realization, which was for many a major turning point in their lives.

So instead of just glossing over that pivotal moment, we needed to end things early in “Madman” – (And get you to immediately begin taking action and living the fulfillment of your greatest Desire!)

That meant we needed to create this “Lost Chapter” to give you the rest of the great information left over from “Madman”.

These are some of the important points we’ll be going through….


Download "How To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman... The Lost Chapter" Now!


  • “Motivation, Focus & Smashing Yet Another Goal!
  • Fully Appreciating the Monumental Turning Point You Had from Doing “Madman” and Making That Permanent
  • Staying in Focused Action
  • Exercise: Strengthening Your Goal-Achieving Muscles (as the Goal-Achieving Madman/Madwoman You Are)
  • The Secret Key to Building Massive Momentum Into Achieving One Goal After Another
  • The Question to Ask that Makes Sure You’re Congruent, Your Desire IS Your Top Priority (Most Would-Be
    Goal-Achievers Miss This Crucial Step)
  • Making Sure You Have This Habit Guarantees You’re Enjoying Massive Success
  • The “Checks and Balance System” to Stay Focused and on Target to Hit Your Goal Quickly


As you can see, you’re getting quite a lot of value, and I’ve made it truly worth the regular price of $49.95 that others will be getting,
outside this very special “Thank You” page.

In fact, let’s add it all up:

  1. “How To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman”, normally $37
  2. “How Absolutely Anyone Can Eliminate The Debilitating Influence of a Negative Mindset”, normally $17. That’s $54 altogether.
  3. “Spring-Boarding Failure Into Rapid Success”, normally $17. That adds up to $71 now.
  4. “How To Have Anything You Want”, also $17 by itself. Brings the total to $88, a good number.
  5. “The Abundance Manifestation Program”, also $17. Now we’re up to $105. Into three figures.
  6. “How To Get 48 Hours of Productive Work Done Each Day”, $17, as well. Total now has hit $122.And to make sure you know I really am doing this to be of greater service to you, and to make it easy for you to say “YES” to doing what you can to help me raise money for the Personal Growth Foundation, you’re also getting…..
  7. “The Day 0 Restart” Video Training that’s normally $97. Now we’re talking. We’re all the way up to $218 now! And, finally…
  8. “How To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman… The Lost Chapter because I needed to end “Madman” right away after you had that major life transformation. Although we still had important things to talk about, so hence we have “The Lost Chapter”, normally $12.

Altogether, that’s a total of $245 worth of training from me!

How To Be A Goal-Achieving MadmanHow Absolutely Anyone Can Eliminate The Debilitating Influence of a Negative MindsetSpring-Boarding Failure Into Rapid SuccessHow To Have Anything You Want
The Abundance Manifestation ProgramHow To Get 48 Hours of Productive Work Done Each DayDay 0 Restart Video TrainingHow To Be A Goal-Achieving Madman… The Lost Chapter

As you can see, it’s clearly worth the $49.95 others must pay to become a “Goal-Achieving Madman/Madwoman” outside this special page.

However, because it means so much to me that you’re committing to help us reach 1 billion people in 1 year by sharing the Personal Growth Revolution with those people who most need it, I’m giving you everything here today for just $7.97!

This is also how we’re raising money for the Personal Growth Foundation, so you can feel good knowing that this small investment in yourself, about the cost of coffee and a Happy Meal, is going toward helping others “learn and grow and become a better person”, at the same time it’s helping you better yourself!

Because, after all, my commitment is to doing all I can to be of service to you, first and foremost, and then through you, to everyone else you’re sharing the Personal Growth Revolution with.

So if you’re with me, and you’re feeling inspired and ready to take things to the next level, take advantage of this great “Thank You” bonus, and let’s begin knocking off one important goal after the other…..

Normally $49.95…
Today Only $7.97

One Time Payment – Instant Access!

Instant Download – Even at 2 am

All Major Credit Card, Paypal, and Online Checks Accepted
Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Thanks much!

The money you’re helping us raise is going toward a worthy cause, the Personal Growth Foundation!

And the “Madman” Package you just invested in is going to make a substantial difference as well to you, personally.

I’ll talk with you again soon!


Dan Klatt,
“Think And Grow Rich Guy”
Host of the “Daily Personal Growth” TV show
President of the Personal Growth Authors Association
Found of the CarnegieCentre

….Serving as Your WealthSensei!


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