People are focusing a lot of attention these days on planning their next 12 months and making sure they have the right habits in place to take them where they need to be.
The “Action Coaching Map Webinar Training” will help you stay focused, on track, and moving single-mindedly toward fulfilling “The Big Picture” you never lose site of.

Scan through your 24 Action Coaching Maps.
Get a feeling for which ones you need to be working with, perhaps each day.
…Think about how great it’s going to be (and how much fun we’re going to have!) when we go through each Action Coaching Map, during a set of back-to-back webinars, where I walk you through using each Action Coaching Map and making sure you’re benefiting profoundly from it.
Which two or three seem most interesting or important to you?
Let me give you a personal insight.
I first became a coach back in 1984. I’m actually creating the whole Action Coaching Webinar Training – for ME to benefit immeasurably from using the Action Coaching Maps myself!
Specifically, the “Chain” Action Coaching Map, fifth down on the left.
It doesn’t make sense when you just look at it, yet when you learn how to use it… man! It’s going to make a world of difference for you, because you’ll be moving every day further and further toward your goal.
It’s going to become a positive self-habit where you’re going to wake up energized and like a race car with the engine revved up, waiting for that gun to go off telling you the race is on, and you’re ready to floor it!!!!
That’s how I’m going to use that particular Action Coaching Map to accelerate into each day!
How much will you benefit from it!?
I don’t know how long the Action Coaching Webinars will be – Because they’ll be long enough to make sure you’re using the Action Coaching Maps to become a fine-tuned, well-oiled, high-performance race car yourself!
We’ll probably be going three to four hours, depending on how many questions you and others joining us live have for me as I’m walking you through each Action Coaching Map.
And no worries if you can’t make the live webinars. You’re going to be getting the videos from each one that you can download and go through more than once if you want to.
Although my intention is that we’re going through and setting up your Action Plan so right away from the Action Coaching Webinar you’ll be up and running and using the Action Coaching Maps most important to your goals and needs.
You’ll also know when to use the other ones you may not need as much right now.
Ready to get started?
We roll shortly!
You have two choices about how you join the Action Coaching Webinar Training.
Join the one that best serves you.
1) Click here if you only want all 24 Action Coaching Maps and the training to benefit from using them. You will either be able to join us on the webinars live, or you’ll get to download them, if not both.
Although each Action Coaching Map by itself is worth $10 once you know how to use, all 24 would normally set you back $240 – by investing in yourself at this high level and doing the full Action Coaching Webinar Training now, you’re entire cost is just $97, one time!
– Or –
Considering this is your life we’re talking about here, and no investment you could make is more important or worthwhile than an investment in fulfilling your Goals, Desires and Dreams, and becoming the person who will stop at nothing to achieve them….
Why not give yourself “The Best” to make them yours!?
“Engineering The Perfect Day, in Your Ideal Life”
2) As great as the tools are to stay focused and on fire, as well as the training to make sure you’re making it happen, why not go deeper?
First you’re also getting the same software I use myself to use my time efficiently and make sure everything important gets done.
Procrastination is a thing of the past when you give yourself this powerful time management system, as well.
The way it works is simple – You click a few interactive buttons to set up timers for the 30 minutes to two hours you set aside for the things you need to get done – all right there in the Action Generator Software.
While the timer is counting down, it does important things to you subconsciously, so you stay hyper-attentive and focused. Nothing else can interrupt you, because that clock is ticking, and you’re automatically in peak form.
You’re in “The Zone” and getting it done!
Your Action Generator Software will be one of the best things you’ve ever bought to manage your time like a top-level CEO.
(And it’s fun, too – Trust me… you’ll love it!)
You’ll also be far more efficient, as well, because your Action Generator Software stores all the things you do regularly, so a few clicks and you’re off to the races, each day!
You probably know that the more fancy day planning systems cost several hundred dollars on up to a few thousand bucks.
However your Action Generator Software, as heavy duty as it is… only costs $97, if you were to do it by itself.
Although you’re also getting a webinar training where I walk you through setting it up and using it. That’s another $97 value.
….And both the Action Generator Software, and the training showing you how to use it are included in “Engineering The Perfect Day in Your Ideal Life”.
What is “The Perfect Day”?
Quite simply it’s your Morning Success Ritual.
It’s a few yet vitally important routines you do that make sure you’re “Focused & Fired Up” – every single day!
Because as a result of doing “Perfect Day”, you’ve engineered yourself to be in the right mindset to tackle anything that comes along.
You’re going to be “FANTASTIC”… no matter what!
In fact, it’s much better than that.
Because we’re going to identify your Guiding Vision and write your Personal Mission Statement.
Both will be vitally important to you, as I’m sure you can imagine!
They become the measuring stick to hold everything up against.
“Would this bring me closer to living my Personal Mission or move me further away?”
If whatever you’re considering would serve and support you, you jump into it.
If not, you leave it alone, and return your focus firmly back on those things that do serve and support you, truly.
You know the honest truth?
“Perfect Day” is a major part of the foundation of the $15,000 “Commanding Your Destiny” Coaching Program I’m going to be offering in a few months.
It’s a webinar workshop in which I walk you through creating your Guiding Vision and Personal Mission Statement.
And from there your Personal Success Ritual.
And yet it’s even more significant than that because we’re also going to create your vision for your health, your spiritual goals, your relationship goals.
Everything important to you will be “on the map”.
You’ll know where you stand with each one, at any given time.
My commitment to you is that this will be the most substantial thing you’ve ever done for yourself.
As I mentioned, “Perfect Day” is part of my soon-to-be-released $15,000 coaching program.
However, by joining me while we’re creating this training live, you’re getting in at the greatly reduced price of just $297 right here!
(To be clear, you’re not getting the $15,000 coaching program – You’re getting the foundational part of Module 1, “Engineering The Perfect Day in Your Ideal Life”)You’re also getting the Action Generator Software System, which costs $97 by itself.
And you’re getting the Action Coaching Webinar Training, which also costs $97 on its own.
“Perfect Day” will likely be about eight hours long by the time we finish. Same as with the Action Coaching Webinar Training, if you can’t join us live, you’ll still benefit immeasurably from doing the videos later. You’ll have them shortly after each live webinar.
Get Everything Here Right Now!
Just think about how much better off you’ll be even one year from today….
Because you made this profound investment in creating a better life for yourself!
You’ll be very grateful you did.
And personally I cannot wait to see the person you’ve become, even before we’ve finished this life-changing set of core trainings!!!
P.S. Now that you’ve seen what I’m offering you, let me ask you the same question I asked you to ask yourself earlier…
“Does this bring you closer to your Guiding Vision and important goals?” – If it does, then join us!
It really is as simple as that.