Watch this video, in which John Sculley describes the context under which Steve Jobs was asked to leave Apple:
Then talk about the important insights you thought about, as a successful person, “learning and growing and becoming more”, through what you learn by being aware and insightful.
Several ways we can improve our lives by studying this account of two successful people come to mind for me:
1) Steve Jobs was extremely passionate about his Vision, and genuinely making the world a better place. He stayed true to “what’s inside him to give”, no matter what. Even when “the numbers” didn’t support it. Even when it meant he lost the company his Vision built.
2) He didn’t need to be “the general”. He was the “Specialist”. Someone else could be “Mr. Corporate”. He didn’t have to get bogged down with managing all the details of running a company. Someone else could do that. His focus needed to be on “The Vision”. Later, after gaining new perspectives he needed through Pixar and Dreamworks, I think this video said, when Mr. Jobs returned to Apple, he had gained the experience to run a company successfully; still staying true to his Vision, or “sticking with your guns”, or “going with your gut”… and being true to yourself!
3) Just by noticing how Mr. Sculley carries himself, we can raise our “Consciousness of Wealth” to where his is, if ours *was* lower, before this “Quantum Awareness Leap” experience.
4) Mr. Sculley jumps jumps in his answer to this question from “the details way back when” to his big regret from that period of history.
Firs off, he at least in hindsight knows that he was part of an important period of time in World History.
Do you have that sense of perspective around what you are “Creating, Attracting, Manifesting and Allowing” – to how you’re building or unfolding your Vision, what you’re passionate about?
If not, why not!?
If so… Great!!!
Then talk about how that level of Awareness, and certainty, and inner-knowing, and inner-strength, and confidence helps you, in everything you’re doing.
Mr. Sculley appears to have reflected on what he could have done differently, years after he was “in the trenches” with this chapter of his life.
My question to you is why wait to do that yourself?
Become more introspective, and reflective, with the work you’re “in the trenches” with now.
“Does what I’m doing support my Vision and help it Serve more people, more effectively?”
“What am I not seeing in this?”
“What is the one action I should be taking today (what one thing should I be focusing on, at the exclusion of all others)?”
Think about all these things. And share your thoughts right here.
Dan : )
Dan Klatt,
“Executive Life Consultant”